Chapter 15

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So caption brows has ordered me to ride with corporal shorty so I continued my way to the horses.

As everyone got on to their horses I went over to Levi and his horse and jumped on to the back.

Levi looked at me with a wtf face

"What the hell you think your doing brat get off" Levi said pissed

"I'm sorry but caption brow told me to ride with you, so be a man, suck it up and get over it" I shot back while sticking my tongue at him.

He glared at me and looked over at Erwin but sadly for him they already began to leave.

"Tch" was all I hear from him as we started to move.

~Time Skip~

We have caught up to the rest of the group a little while ago but out of know where Hanji decided it would be a good idea to slap the horses butt and the problem was it was not her horse but the one Levi and I were on.

The horse began to run really fast, and All I heard was Hanji's laughing getting quieter and quieter.

I have avoided holding onto Levi this whole time but finally I wrap my arms around his torso as he try's to slow the horse down as we slowly neared the gates to the Survey corpses but the problem was we were not slowing down at all I think we actually might be going faster.

" Holy Shittttt!!!" I screamed as we got closer and closer

I just realized the entrance to the Survey corpse was closed to.

The only thing at this point I could do was hide my face in Levi's back and wish for the best...

But u see the funny thing is..

Levi smells really good..

What am I thinking I shout in my mind as I pushed that thought out my butt.

Levi's POV

That brat was stuck riding with me that stupid bushy brows when I get my hands on him I swear to god he will wish he was never alive.

~Time Skip~

We had no problems and we where getting closer to home but all of a sudden the horse began to run really fast and all I could hear was Hanji laughing and (Y/N) gasp.

I was trying to slow the horse down but it just would not slow it's ass down.


I felt tiny arms wrap around my torso and I looked down for a second a saw she was holding me ...

So she would not fall off.

" HolyShittttt!!" (Y/N) screams which was right in my god dam ear.

As we got closer I felt (Y/N) hide her head in my back  as I could feel her breathing just in my lower neck as she held tighter ...

I concentrated back on the road ahead and we were almost there I had to get ready to try and make a sharp turn but all of a sudden the gates open and we went zooming in.

Hope you enjoyed this update ... (-0-) <3 <3

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