Chapter 25

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Levi's POV

I stood there watching as all the cadets run laps  but then Erwin called me over along with Hanji And Mike

"We will not be able to leave the walls again with out more cadets in the survey corps, so we will be bring the cadets in training here earlier and train them our selfs that is all of the ones who want to be in the corps the ones that don't will stay and finish there year with the new trainees, is that understood." Erwin questioned us

"Um it is but when will this be happening" Hanji asked

right then we see maybe around two hundred cadets in training begin to file in to our camp

"Erwin it might be impossible to train them all there's only four of us" Mike spoke

"Oh yes and there's another thing I wanted to tell you I'm making a couple new squad leaders" he said to Mike but all of us in general

"Tch, who?" I asked getting annoyed

"Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Alert, and (Y/N) (L/N)" he responded

I just stared at him after he said (y/n)

"Is there a problem Levi" Erwin asked

"No" I answered him

"Ya there's a problem, how can you make Armin a squad leader" Hanji screamed

"He may not be the best in battle but he is brain smart we can use a squad we're they just focus the position and how to plan out formations and then when it's time for the expedition they are placed into a different squads". He answered Hanji

"Hmm" Hanji said

~Time Skip~

I stood to the side with Hanji and Mike as Erwin had all the cadets and trainees in separate groups as he welcomed the trainees to the survey corps

While I scanned the crowd to try and find (y/n) but I am having one hell of a time trying to find her

"Now I would like to announce three new squad captains among the survey corps cadets" Erwin announced

There were a couple gasps from the crowd but not very many

"If I call your name please come up here, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Alert, and (Y/N) (L/N)" Erwin had yelled out

"Sir what why I..." Armin started babbling

"Calm your self cadet Alert" Erwin said

So both Armin and Mikasa are up here but there's no (Y/N) 

"(Y/N) (L/N) please come on up here" Erwin shoutout once again

But there was no response people began to whisper and look around

Erwin looked at me but all I could do is shrug my shoulders, I have no dam clue where she is

"Okay for now these are two of your new squad leaders we will make there squads when cadet (L/N) comes back from the city" Erwin said to the small sea of cadets and trainees

"The city?" I questioned him

"I had to say something" Erwin said back

"Okay search the grounds and ask the cadets if they have seen her today we need to find her, remember everyone she is still an assassin and we won't know exactly what she's planning until it's either in the go or when she's finished" Erwin said to myself, Mike and Hanji

"Erwin should we really be assuming she is planning an association is that a bit much, when she left the underground she left that to" I said to Erwin doing my best to defend her, wait what!

"Levi, she is originally an assassin with nothing to lose it would make sense and be easier for her to go back to that life style" Erwin shot back

"Tch ya your right" I muttered, as much as I wish he was wrong he wasn't. I was in the wrong here and it pissed me off

~Time Skip~

Some time later we still haven't found her and Erin was the last person who saw her during laps this morning it's now night maybe 15 min past 11 and we have stopped searching for today and will begin tomorrow

I m now just putting my horse away and feeding him before I head back inside to work on more paperwork

"" I heard a mumble behind me

I turned around to see (Y/N) standing there with blood from head to toe she was looking straight at me with zero signs of life in her eyes

"(Y/N) hey what's happened why are you covered in blood" I asked her she just stared at me a little longer before she collapsed

I caught her before she hit the ground I picked her up and began to carry her to her room

As I walked through the halls I was trying to be as quiet as I could so know one would wake up

"You dam brat your so troublesome" I spoke to her unconscious form

We finally made it to her room I opened the door and brought her straight into her washroom

"Tch" was all I could get out as I put her down in the bath tub and looked at the blood that got on to me from her clothes

"This just won't do" I said as I walked on over to her wardrobe and took out what looked to be a night gown

I returned to the bathroom rolled up my sleeves and turned the water on

I then unbuttoned her shirt and slipped off her pants while focusing just on the wounds and blood that she was drenched in

I began to gently wipe away all the blood and carefully washed her hair trying my best not to get water on her face

I then turned the water off and picked her up and wrapped her in a towel and placed her on her bed

I grabbed her night gown and put it on her and then removed all of the wet under garments and under wear

After that was all done I went and cleaned up her bathroom and tucked her in

Before I left I looked back to see her snuggling her pillow and light snores escape her mouth as she was engulfed in her dream world

As I began to walk away I began to think how I couldn't help but smile and think how cute she looked
But these thoughts I have are forbidden for a soldier who risks there life everyday, I shouldn't get the luxury to have them
But as hard as I try to push these dam stupid thoughts away they don't go away
So I'm going to stop trying so hard and live with them because these thoughts are the one thing that make this shit world a little better
My thought about her, my feeling towards (Y/N), because I think ....
I have fallen in love with that dam brat.

Ok so I hope you enjoyed this Levi POV chapter, and his realization on his feelings for you, next chapter is going to be good so stick around and don't forget to vote if you like and follow me for the support

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