Chapter 29

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Okay so the music is more or less just for the first two POV, but if you want, you can listen to it through the whole chapter. Okay lol never mind listen to it through the whole chapter, I have changed my mind.😬😚


So it's now like, I don't know maybe 11pm and we still haven't found anything, Erwin had something to take care of so he's gone and Mike had to go and finish some important paper work so now it's just me Hanji and Levi.

"Shitty glasses there's nothing here we aren't going to find it" Levi spat as he continued to pick up file after file and was skimming through them

"Aaahhhhh" Hanjiyelled out as she pulled out some of her hair

"Guys we can't give up its here somewhere" I spoke in a soft voice slowly losing hope

"Okay I'm gonna go check the storage room it's probably not there but there's still a chance it could be." Hanji spoke as she ran out of the room

I just continued to pick up a file skim through it than grab a new one I was getting extremely tired and I am still dealing with a headache I have had for the last three hours

"(Y/n) maybe you should take a break..." Levi began to say

"No, Levi I won't stop looking until I find that file!!" I said a little harsh as I yelled back

"Hmm" was his response

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you" I said as I looked to the side away from Levi

"It's fine" he said

"It's just that those kids that died they were everything to me, I don't understand how someone can just kill them like that and feed them to a dam titan" I said as I began to feel a little light headed as I glanced over at Levi and him just staring back at me

"They were just kids, Levi how could someone do that to kids, was it because there weaker than a grown person or did they do it just because they could." I spoke softly as my legs felt weak and I came crashing to my knees bringing some files down with me.

"(Y/n), are you alright come on let's get you to the couch" Levi spoke in a soft yet charming tone as he grabbed a hold of me helping me get up

But before I completely stood up my eyes caught something, I shrugged Levi off fell back to the ground crawled over a couple of files and picked up a file that had the name John Benso written across it

"I found it" I said in a small whisper to myself

I stood up with a new wave of energy going through me, my headache some how magically disappeared, I looked over to Levi and gave him a big smile

"I found it, I found it" I said as I Cheered,

I ran up to Levi and hugged him wrapping my legs around his torso shocking him, but soon after he wrapped his arms around my body

"Well done" he spoke into my neck sending a lightning bolt down my back

I got down from Levi still with all the excitement from finding the file I looked up at his eyes and they were also showing some life rather than his cold piercing eyes he normally shows

As I looked at his eyes my eyes slowly drifted to look at his nose and then
his lips and in that moment with no hesitation I brought my face closer to him and placed my lips on top of his,

It felt as though fireworks were being set off inside of me

I then moved my face away as everything was going in slow motion I looked up at his face and saw a hint of pink dusting his cheeks

I looked back up to his eyes and smiled and said "See I told you it was here" I said with a smile as I back away from him and head to the desk leaving the all powerful Levi Ackerman with his own fireworks going off inside him.

Levi's POV

She kissed me, thats what was running through my head as I stood looking at the retreating figure of (y/n) as she headed back to Hanji's desk to look at the file she had found leaving me there with many different emotions setting off inside of me

I looked down at the floor and smiled it's strange this woman makes me feel so dam weak sometimes and makes my heart race so fast and yet when I am in battle my heart never races so dam fast

I looked back up holding the small smile I had on my face as I began to walk on over to her as I fixed my posture and my cravet

"I really do love this brat" I said to myself as I got closer to where she is seated

~Time Skip~


I'm currently still in Hanji's office looking over the file with everyone, I also found a couple other files on the counsel and the castle from where I had fallen earlier, so we have those to go through as well

"Okay well done (Y/n), now that we have these folders and information, let's call it a night and start first thing in the morning" Hanji spoke up and glanced at everyone

"But, Hanji.." I began only to be cut off

"(Y/N) we will start bright and early,okay. But we all need the sleep so we can replenish are minds so we work better so go get some beauty sleep, all of you get some beauty sleep, and I will see you all tomorrow my darling titan assassins" She said all of this as she pushed Me , Levi, Mike, and Erwin out of her office and slammed the door closed

"Well than, good night everyone I will see you all tomorrow morning at breakfast and we can discuss more there while we eat" Erwin spoke as he began to walk away

'Sniff sniff' "Good night Levi, (Y/N)" Mike said and sniffed as he retreated to his room

I watch until he was completely gone before I turn to say good night to Levi only to be pushed up against Hanji's door

"Levi, uhh.." I said his name, but was cut off as he smashed his lips against mine  and kissed me as though he was hungry, I stood there for a moment  with thousand of butterflies and firework inside me

not completely processing what was happening  but once it registered and I began to kiss back he pulled away as I leaned in a little

I looked up at his eyes to see if I could read what was going on through his head but before I got a good look at his eyes he turned around with a smirk resting on his lips and spoke in a hushed and husky manner " Good night (Y/N)"

I stood there for once in my life completely speechless as I watch as the man who can make my heart race and set fireworks off inside me walked into the darkness of the hall slowly disappearing from my sight.

I stood there a little longer before turning the opposite direction Levi had just walked off to and I began to walk to my room, with only one thing running through my head that makes me smile no matter the situation and that is that...

"I love that man, I love Levi Ackerman" I whispered to myself

Wow they kissed!! Twice ! That's crazy! Lol!. As you can tell I have been putting it off for the last 28 chapters lol But never mind that this chapter was the beginning of many more kisses lol. Oh and everyone I hope you have a wonderful happy Easter with a bunch of yummy chocolates!!

So until next time I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you don't mind me asking could y'all send a vote my way :) lol
*Oh and make sure you all stay safe and healthy throughout this wacky time with the coronavirus!

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