Chapter 27

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I just finished freshening up and now I'm headed to Erwin's office to talk to him about my disappearance

I got to Commander Erwin's office and as I was about to nock on the door

Satan spohn began to walk down the door

"Aaahhhhhhh" I screamed as I backed up right against the wall opposite the door

The door was thrown open and there stood Hanji "My baby what's wrong?!"she yelled out

I looked from her to the door and the spiderwebs about to crawl on to Hanji's hand

What kind of friend would I be if I let that happened

So I looked at her and charged tackling her to the ground when I looked up Levi, Erwin and Mike were all looking at me and Hanji as I am straddling her

"What are you doing?" Erwin asked

I remember what I was doing and looked back to see the spider crawling toward our feet

God dam this spider is persistent I thought to myself

I stood up looked at Erwin "um well you see there's a spider" I said and he looked at me with the you got to be kidding me face

"Ahhhh Holy moly, that's a huge ass spider, it's poisonous to and one hell of a jumper" Hanji said as she  took a step away from it

"Someone kill it" I said as I took another step away it began to walk closer

I ran into the corner of the room furthest from the spider while Hanji tried to examine it from a far

"Tch what are you dining just step on it" Levi said

"Why don't you step on it" I shot back

"If I did that my boots would get dirty" Levi shot right back

"Sniff sniff, something about that spider smells off" Mike said

The only thing I could do at this moment is wonder if that sniffing man was okay

"All of you stop this childish shit, I will step on it" Erwin announced to all of us

We all watch as he walked over to it a planted his foot right on top of it and at that same moment thousands of baby spider crawled out from under Erwin's foot

"Holy shit, commander take your boot off and run" Hanji screamed out. Erwin did just that

But it was to late they had made it into him and he was running in my direction

"Aaaahhhhhhh stay away they are all over you" I screamed and ran to the window, I opened it and jumped out

Landing on top of something some what soft I looked down to see I was sitting on Eren

"Oh hi there" I said with a smile

"What the hell is happening why did you jump out of the commanders window" Erin asked me as

"Umm You'll see in a second" I said as I got up and dragged him by the arm over to a tree that was pretty far away from the building

"Aaahhhhhh" Hanj screamed as she jumped out the window followed by Levi and Mike  then finally the commander stumbled out the rundown over in little spiders

"Sir go to the pond quick" Mike shout out now that all three of them were far away from him

The commander began to sprint towards the pond losing a couple of his new friends on the way

"Holy shit, what did I just witness" Eren said with his mouth hanging open

"If I were you I would close that mouth of yours, considering how angry commander  is stomping his ass on over here" I said to him as a soaking wet Erwin made his was over to where I was

Eren saluted while I just held in a laugh

"Hi there commander you seem to be doing better" I said to him and smiled

"Eren you are dismissed" he said and Eren ran away then he looked at me and Tch

"We will continue this meeting in Levi's office" he turned and looked at Levi to make sure he heard what he had said to me and then began to walk to the office

Hanji and Mike following him to the said place and as levi was beginning to walk to he turned and looked at me

"You coming (Y/N)" he asked me

"Ya I'm coming" I responded as I ran up to him and walked side by side with him to his office

Okay so this was kind of like a filler but I will get on with the story line next chapter. Oh and Happy Valentine's Day ! Hope you all had a good day and I will see you all next chapter, bye bye!

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