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Ever since Ava had frozen me out I had to make myself busy to get her out of my head for a while. I refused to let her go completely, but if time and space were what she needed then I was willing to give her that.

She had blocked my number the first time I called her, and all I wanted to hear was her voice, even if she would scream at me.
I hadn't slept with Jennifer, as I said I would never do that to Ava.

I had been occupied with my properties such as the restaurants, bars etc, and dealing with problems that occurred in our cartel. Luckily we haven't heard or noticed anything more from the Russian mafia. Not that it mattered, they would have no chance against me.

I didn't sleep much at night, my bed still smelled like her, even though I washed the sheets several times. It wasn't the smell that bothered me, I loved her smell, but it reminded me of what I lost, her.
At one point I even had to get out and sleep in the guest room, and I haven't been inside my bedroom since.

I knew I was going to get her back somehow, I had to. But for now, the only thing I could do to not go over to her house and beg for her forgiveness was to get myself busy with other things.

Every time I saw a dark-haired woman, whether it was on the street or anywhere else, my heart jumped. I was hoping it would be her, but I was always disappointed the second they turned around.

Jennifer had been on me ever since she got the news that Ava had left. She was literally on her knees for me, and I mean sure she was beautiful, but she disgusted me, and she wasn't Ava. Ava was so much more than just her stunning looks. And I would never want to be with anyone else.

I didn't feel as alive as I had felt with her, the world had seemed to stop. Every time I found myself picturing her face, I forced my thoughts into another direction, but everything came back to her.





The next chapters won't be as emotional, calm down! 😂🥺 So don't give up on the story yet!

Kitten | 18+ {finished}Where stories live. Discover now