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I spent the whole evening with Ava, I didn't want her to be alone if she wasn't feeling okay. We stayed in the living room most of the time, and I did my best to make sure she was comfortable.

When it got dark out, signaling that it was time for bed, I carried her up to our bedroom as she was half asleep. I carefully put her down on the mattress, which caused her to stir. I sat down beside her as she laid on her side. My hand caressed her hair, feeling the silky touch between my fingers.

"Do you want to take a quick bath before bed?" I asked her.

She nodded and looked up at me with a soft smile. I leaned down to give her a kiss before walking to the bathroom where I sat in the edge of the tub to start filling it up. When I turned my head towards the opening I saw her walk inside the room in only her underwear.

My eyes drifted across her smooth skin, lingering on her wide hips a few seconds longer. I smiled when she stepped closer to stand between my widened legs. She still looked tired, and I hated seeing her like this, so unwell and uncomfortable.

The feeling of her soft skin calmed me as my hands stroked the back of her thighs. As I was sitting down I had to look up slightly to meet her eyes. Her hands nestled in my hair, running her fingers trough it over and over while we waited for the water to fill up.

"Thank you for taking care of me." She said softly, her delicate voice was like a melody to my ears.

"That's what I'm here for." I stated, earning a tiny blush.

"It's just," she started, studying my face like a map.", no one has ever cared that much. Guys, I mean." She continued.

"They sound like idiots who were never worthy of your time. I'm not going anywhere. You're mine." I promised, and squeezed her ass.

"And you're mine?" She smiled.

"Always." I pulled her face close to kiss her lips.

When the tub was filled I helped her take off the remaining items of clothing and she planted herself into the heated water. When I crouched down next to the edge to assist her she frowned at me.

"You're not coming in?"

"Do you want me to?" I cocked a brow.

She rolled her eyes,"Yes, now get in."

I took off my clothes and sat down behind her, pulling her closer until she was leaning her back on my chest.

"Is this better?" I asked in her ear.

"Mhm." She reassured as my fingers traced the curves of her body.

When we were clean and dry I helped her put a towel around her body to then secure one around my waist. When we stood by the huge sink, ready to brush our teeth, she stood up on her toes to place a soft kiss on my cheek. I raised my gaze to look at her in the mirror.

She leaned her chin on my shoulder while looking up at me with a smile. Ava's way of showing affection has always been physical touch, but she seemed to have an even greater need for attention today.

"Is someone getting a bit overly tired?" I chuckled and gave her the toothbrush with toothpaste on.

"I'm not tired." She huffed and began brushing her teeth, facing the mirror.

"Then why are you struggling to keep your eyes open?" I remarked, smirking.

She playfully glared at me trough the mirror and I placed a hastened kiss on her cheek, afraid she might bite back. The mood swings were new, but cute.

Kitten | 18+ {finished}Where stories live. Discover now