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I guess it's time for me to realize that all of this is over

Our hearts pulsing together almost makes up for

All of the screaming and the fights heard through the walls.

Those secret nights spent together...

Just about make that breaking worth it.

We were beautiful once, but nothing is forever.

We tore each other apart, held each other down.

In the looks that you gave me, the depths of your eyes,

There was an unreachable love that you only felt for me.

My own shining, reflecting back at you, held the same.

But for some reason, you never looked close enough.

So we built upon a fragile foundation, and on that no house can stand.

Without warning we crumbled to the ground.

There is no one to blame, we both made our mistakes.

We broke each others hearts, just trying to love one another.

But it's time for me to realize that its over

So I will no longer think of you every time I close my eyes.

                             ~I do not hate you anymore for breaking my heart. I broke yours too.~Lyn

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