Hwang Yeji // Broken Because

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"Hey guys have you seen Yeji unnie lately, she's acting different" Ryujin said to her friends as soon as she approached their cafeteria table. She's very much worried about her friend who didn't talk with her in the past 2 days.

It's Monday now and she still haven't heard a word from her.

It's a lunch hour now, so everyone is sitting at their usual spots, talking, joking, our girls are worrying about their unnie

"Yeah, she's been really cold in the past two days" Yuna, the maknae agreed with the statement of her best friend.

"She's not the bubbly, sweet, heartwarming self she was, do someone knows what happened to our leader?" Chaeryoung asked stuffing a gummy bear into her mouth.

"I heard that Y/n unnie and her broke up, I tried talking to Yeji and I just received a cold shoulder. She didn't want to talk with me and she yelled at me then started crying, at the end she threw me out of her house slamming her doors" Lia said with a frown, although she wasn't sad about her friend roughly kicking her out, she was sad because her unnie acted like that.

She didn't see her unnie in a state like that...never. Yeji has always been nothing but good to everyone, she was kind, helpful and humble, she always smiled no matter what and she knew the answer for every sadness. No wonder that her friends are shocked by her sudden change in personality.

They desperately wanted to know what's happening in Yeji's head.

Their conversation quieted when said person showed up at the table. She sat at her usual spot and placed her plate on the table. Hood of her hoodie on putbon her head and black sunglasses covering her eyes. Her face emotionless, but deep inside Yeji knew she wanted to burst in tears.

She didn't plan it...

She never thought she would do this...

She didn't want to do this...

But she was forced to...

"Yeji, what happened to you?" Yuna asked putting her hand on the older girls shoulder. Yeji huffed and shrugged her hand off.

"You've never acted like this unnie, tell us" Chaeryoung said, a little big too loud cause the attention of other students turned to them.

"Nothing! absolutely nothing has happened! I'm completely fine! Leave me alone!" Yeji yelled.

"Damn who hurt you girl!" someone in the cafeteria yelled and they started laughing. After this everyone started whispering.

Girls were quiet, just eating their food. That was the weirdest incident ever for them, Yeji never yelled. I mean she tried but it was never that harsh, it always came out either way cute more than intimidating.

Whispers started getting more and more loud which caught Ryujin's attention. Two voices in particular. She shot knowing look to her friends who were listening too.

"Do you know Y/n broke up with Yeji?"

"How do YOU know that?"

"That's why Yeji's acting out now. And I saw her cry in the bathroom on Friday, the same bathroom Y/n walked out minute before"

"Man that's pretty fuc-"

The girl was cut off by furious Ryujin.

"Do you know where's Y/n now?!" Her intimidating stare burned holes in both of their faces. "Answer the fuck!" she slammed her hands on their table.

"I-It's lunch time so, s-she's probably with her friends under the t-t-tree outside" Ryujin rolled her eyes and stormed outside.

"Ryujin stop!" Lia and others ran after her trying to stop their friend, they know damn well what she's about to do. Unfortunately she's like a racer and she can run really fast, what made the girls stay a lot behind her.

And just as the girl from cafeteria told her, Y/n and her friends were found standing under the tree. Y/n and Jennie were, Lisa, Jisoo and Rosé were sitting still munching on their food.

"Y/N! Y/L/M!" Ryujin yelled furious and when the girl turned around she immediately was tackled to the ground by her strong punch. A really good swing in the nose, it's definitely broken now.

"Y/N!" Rosé and Lisa yelled and immediately put away their food to try and help her friend who was now laying on the ground wincing in pain. With blood all over, flooding from her nose.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Jennie yelled pushing Ryujin.

"She broke our Yeji! She made her miserable and, and cold!"

"OUCH!" Y/n yelled in pain when Rosé touched her nose.


"Can my life get even worse?" Y/n asked herself, cleaning her bloody nose with a tissue Jisoo gave her.

"Oh my god Y/n!" The girls, Lia, Yuna and Chaeryoung that just now cought up with fast running Ryujin said. Yeji took her time.

"What are you talking about!? Y/n didn't do shit to Yeji!" Jennie fought with Ryujin. Two firecy personalities collided.

"She broke up with her! She had the audacity to break her precious little heart!"

"What?" Y/n asked after hearing what Ryujin said about her. "I did-" she was about to argue but an angels voice interrupted her.

"What is happening here?" Yeji finnaly cought up to the group of her friends. Her eyes widened when she saw her ex lover's fucked up face. She was about to help but Lisa stopped her.

"Don't come near her" she growled. "You don't deserve her" Yeji's head turned downward, looking at the floor ashamed. She knows what she did and she's sincerely sorry.

"Yeji?" Y/n croaked out with tears build up in her eyes, her view slightly blurred from the tears and blood lost. Her voice made the gray haired girl turn her head up.

Your pov.

"Yeah...It's me" she said quietly, her voice laced with sorrow, regret and pain. I stand up, slightly dizzy with a little help of Rosie and walk up to her.

"Do you really don't love me anymore?" I said on the verge of bursting into waterfall of tears.

Her actions shocked me when she launched herself on me, she huged me tightly as if she was scared to let go.

"No, no, no, I love you, I love you so much. I didn't mean those words back then, I'm so sorry" She cried and I hugged her back. She buried her head in the crock of my neck and I stroked her dirty gray, messy hair.

"What is happe-" Ryujin started but got cut off by Jennie slapping her arm.

"Shut up they're having a moment" she said giving her a glare.

"Why would you break up with me then?" I asked.

"The b-bullies" Yeji mumbled "They said they would do something bad if i don't break up with you. And i don't want you to get hurt"

"I can handle them" I answered "But i can't handle your harsh words towards me"

"Im sorry, i really am" Yeji cried.

"It's okay, i forgive you"

"Are you okay Y/n?" Lia asked, I and Yeji parted after a long hug. The nosebleed never stopping.

"I-I, I think Ryujin broke my nose" I managed to mumble before I passed out.

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