Hwang Yeji // Coming Out

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Knock knock

"Ahh Y/n! Come here sweetie!" Yeji's mom pulled me into a bear hug after she saw me in the door frame "I haven't seen you in so long"

"Annyeong Mrs. Hwang" I huged her back. "it's nice to see you too"

"Come in, just be quiet. Our princess fell  asleep on the couch snuggling Hongsam and Insam"

"She must have been worn out since she passed out on the couch" I giggled and I saw Mr. Hwang's head pop out of the kitchen.

"Y/n!" he said and happily jogged towards me, he hugged me right after we high-fived each other.

Yeji's dad is the best dad I could have ever imagined. Right after mine. He's a really warm man and he cares a lot about his family.

"How's y/d/n? This old man I swear-"

"Honey" Mrs. Hwang warned

"My dad is great, he actually told me to ask you about going on fishing with him. He bugged me about this for the whole week"

"Ahh! I should call him, why isn't he calling me about that stuff. He shouldn't use his child...Dumb old man" Mr. Hwang mumbled under his nose, he went back to kitchen to prepare the food i think.

I and Mrs. Hwang just giggled.

"Boys" we said at the same time with a sigh following.

I looked at Yeji and 'coo'ed from the cutnes. I couldn't bare that sight so i captured it by taking a picture.

"I don't want to wake her up" I whined.

"Well, someone has to because the dinner is almost ready" Mr. Hwang said, preparing the table.

"Not me!" Mrs. Hwang almost yelled "She's grumpy when someone wakes her up. I don't want to witness that"

"Aw dang" I said. I came up to the bed and gently shook Yeji's body. She stirred a little than opened her eyes with a small noise.
She rubbed her eyes and sit up, she looked around and widened her eyes when she saw me. She immediately throw herself into my arms.

"Y/n!" she yelled and I giggled.

"I missed you too Yeji-ya" She pulled away and looked deep into my eyes. She was about to lean in but I stopped her. Signaling that her parents are here.

Yes, they don't know that we are dating.
Yeji is scared that they might hate her when she tells them. They have a really great bond and she wouldn't want to ruin that.
Although I told her that when she'll be ready she has my permission to tell everyone, on the whole world that I'm hers and only hers. When she's ready.

She nodded and smiled.

"Oh God how I missed you Y/n/n" she hugged me even tighter. Hongsam and Insam swarmed me with kisses too. "They missed you too" she giggled cutely.

"Girls the dinner is ready" Mr. Hwang sang.

We all sat down to the table and started eating. Me and Yeji holding hands under the table, I mean my hand on her lap while she was playing with my fingers. Adorable baby.

She's nervous, I can tell by the way her hand slightly shakes. I grabbed her hand intertwining our fingers, i squeezed it as if to say 'everything will be alright'
She smiled, she put down her chopsticks and cleared her throat.

"Mom...Dad" Her parents looked at her and put down their chopsticks.

"Yes sunny?" Yeji's dad asked. She squeezed my hand two times and took a deep breath.

"What if I told you that...I...umm- no...no. I can't start it like that" She stuttered "I-I like girls" she immediately looked down.

All we could hear was silence untill two loud screeches were heard. Her parents stood up.

At this point im certain that Yeji at least let out a tear.

"Do you hate me Dad? Do I disgust you Eomma?" she looked up with tears.

"Oh my...no no" Her dad immediately pulled her up into a hug. "Of course not! I could never hate you. You'll alway stay my little princess" He hugged her close to his body "I don't care who do you love baby, as long as you're happy I'm happy" He kissed her head "And I want you to be the happiest on the whole planet"

"And I'm very, very proud of you Sunshine" Her mom huged her too "I'm proud that you grew up on a woman you are now" Yeji cried on her shoulder.

"I love you. We love you so much" Mr. Hwang said and pulled them into a group hug.

"Thank you for accepting me, I love you"

"Not gonna lie, I kinda wanted you to be with Y/n. She's a good girl " Yeji's dad joked and Mrs. Hwang giggled. I on the other hand widened my eyes.

"About that dad" Yeji said and came up to me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me up. She intertwined our fingers and kissed my cheek "I and Y/n are together for a few months now" I squeezed her hand trying to calm her down.

"Ayee!" Yeji's dad yelled like a little kid. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" he started doing his little dancy dance "Your dad is giving me 120 000 won" he pointed at me. He quickly realized what he did and stood up straight, he cleared his throat. "Ekhem, I'm gonna call him now. Mianhe" but before he went into the room he squealed one more time. "Aish, you can call me dad now" He hugged me tightly then disappeared in the door frame.

"What a man" Yeji's mom said "Should I say a child?"


"I've heard that!"

"Anyway girls, I'm so happy for you two. Y/n darling I believe you're the last person that could ever hurt my sunshine so please take a good care of her"

"I swear I will Mrs. Hwang" I said and she hugged me.

"And please call me Mom"

"Yes mom" I said and Yeji smiled.

"Come on Y/n" she grabbed my hand and lead me to her room.

"Behave good girls!"

"Mom!" Yeji yelled and became red from embarrassment. I just laughed.

"You too Y/n/n, I want my daughter walking perfectly fine tommorow"

"Why would you assume she's a top eomma?!" Yeji yelled from her room. I just layed in bed laughing my ass off.

"I'm not assuming she's a top, you just seem like a bottom baby" I couldn't keep it in anymore and I burst out even more.

"Come on princess, let's cuddle. You'll be the big spoon if you want" I dragged her away from the door. She sulked so I put my hands around her waist. "We both know that even though I look like a top I'm whipped for you darling" I kissed her and she smiled.


"Now, I want some snuggles and kisses from you" I said making kissing noises.

"You're so annoying Y/n"

"But you love me for that"


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