Kim Jisoo // Random Person With A Cap...Idol?

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Aish! I'm so excited! I'm going on a blackpink concert tommorow.
Did I say I'm excited? I guess I did.

But it's tomorrow so I have to wait one more day.

"Y/N! CAN YOU GO TO THE STORE I'M HUNGRY!" my roommate yelled.

"Can't you go yourself pabo?!" I yelled back.

"Please Y/n/n, I'm gonna buy you something later on. I have to study for an important test today, please?" She asked cutely.

"Fine Yeji, just because you're so cute" I pinched her nose and she giggled. She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, thank you"

"I'll go to the store and you're going on the blackpink concert with me" I said.

"You have tickets to the blackpink concert?! and you didn't tell me!" She yelled excited.

"It was a surprise, I guess" I smiled and she hugged me once again. "Okay okay, I'm gonna go to the store now" I kissed her cheek and she nodded.

"Buy something yummy" she smiled adorably, pleading with her eyes for something. I know exactly what.

"I'm gonna buy few healthy things to make you a healthy dish, you can't eat only sweats" I said and she pouted "But I'll buy some candies and sure for sure some chocolates too. To make sure your sugar stays okay" i smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Thank you Y/n. I love you"

"I love you too"

I went straight to the store. I grabbed some chocolates, candies, vegetables and fruits like I said and headed to the cashier. On my way there someone bumped into me. Resulting in dropping all of her things.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention where I was going. I'm sorry" She rambled, cutely. Her voice a little muffled because of her face mask. She picked up her things and looked me in the eyes.

I think her eyes are the prettiest on this whole world.

She's wearing a black hat with pink stripes on it, so I couldn't see her face good but I'm sure by her eyes she looks like a goddess.

Unlike me, I'm wearing a big hoodie, some sweat pants and flip flops. Without a face mas or a cap.
Don't judge i have like minute from my house to the store, I didn't feel like changing my clothes.

Back to our situation.

"That's okay, it was just a little bump. I should be apologising for knocking your things out of your hand" I said and bend to pick up her products. I smiled warmly, I saw her ears perk up a little and her eyes squint signalling that she smiled too.

"Oh! I have to go" She said with pout hearable in her voice. "I'm sorry again..."


"I'm sorry Y/n. See you later, maybe never" she winked and walked away.

I smiled and shook my head. See you later maybe never? Who talks like that?

I went to the cashier and all my way home I was mumbling words to 'see you later' by blackpink.


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I can't believe we're here" Yeji squealed gripping her pyongbong tightly in her hand. She looked around arena, people still filling it up to the last seat. We're seated in the very front, right beside the stage where just a reach of a hand and you can touch the performer.

"Calm down before you faint Yeji-bear" I said putting my hand on her lower back. In case she'd faint in any minute.

"I actually feel a little nauseous" she said serious and put her head on my shoulder.

"Here drink some water and eat some chocolate" I gave her my bottle of water, she took a sip and gave it back. And after that I gave her a piece of chocolate, enough to help her gain some energy. "Better?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, do you have some more of that chocolate?"

"Yeji-ya, it's for you in case your sugar comes down not for you to stuff yourself!" I said sternly but she just pouted and pulled her best puppy face. I reached to my backpack and pulled out one more piece of chocolate. I gave it to her and she jumped like a little kid, she looped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Y/n/n"

"Yeah, yeah"

After that the intro to the concert started and 4 beautiful girls walked out of the backstage.


"Hit you with tha-OWW Y/N!"

"Stop screaming to my ear then!" Y/n yelled to Yeji after she hit her arm "You sing beautiful but not when you're screaming" she yelled again so the light fury girl could hear her.

What she didn't know was that the scream of the feline eyed girl could be heard by one of the four performing girls. Her head immediately turned into that direction and she smiled after she saw the girl from the store.
She thought she's beautiful, a real goddess yesterday (obviously she still thinks that) She never thought she would see the girl again and here she is, staring at her.

Jisoo saw the girl recording the show with her phone and an idea came to her mind.
She knows it's a bad idea, but she knows she'll regret it if she won't try.
She started waving to fans in that area and after a minute she took, intentionally i must say, Y/n's phone. She recorded herself and others singing for a while, then the plan took a live.
She got out of the camera app and went to notes. She wrote a quick note with her number not forgetting to sing her parts of the song in between. She also texted herself, taking a mental note to check her texts after. She took some pictures of herself and handed the phone back to the screaming girl in the crowd, winking in her way.

Pov. Y/n

Did she just wink in my way? Nah you're imagining too much.

"AH!" Yeji screamed "Kim Jisoo just took your phone" she yelled again. I just laughed. "Show me, show me"

"Calm down Yeji-ya" I said and she pouted. I kissed her pout away by placing my lips on hers, she smiled immediately and kissed back "Don't pout my cute little baby, here have some chocolate" I have her one pice "We'll check my phone later in the dorm"

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