??? // A new school

910 32 15

"Uh I'm sorry" i said after i bumped into a boy, he's kinda tall and pretty handsome if I'd say so.

"No worries" He smiled "Are you new here? Do you need help with something?"

"Yeah I'm new, I just transferred here and your help would be great thanks. I'm kinda lost and i don't know where the A305 room is" I said looking around i caught a glimpse of a dark haired girl looking at me. She looks like she's mad but at the same time pouting?

"Oh it's in the building A" He said and started guiding me "You see, the classroom numbers have this constructure, you have the letter of the building A, B or C, the first number is the floor and the rest are the door numbers. For example your fist period is in the room A305, it means in building A, third floor and door 5"

"Why is it so complicated?"

"It's a big school" He giggled what sounded really cute. "I'm Kai by the way. Huening Kai" He smiled extending his hand.

"Mhh nice to meet you Kai, I'm Y/n, Shin Y/n" i shook his hand.

"Shin? Related to any of the Shin Sisters?" He asked while nervously fixing his collar.

"Shin sisters? Don't know them" I giggled "but sounds fun"

"That's how we call Shin Yuna and Shin Ryujin. They're not related they just have the same surname"


"Some people think they are together but honestly I think Yuna has a crush on me"

"Interesting yeah" I said.

"I don't like her. I mean, don't get me wrong she's amazing i just dont like her that way. She can be annoying at the times" the rest of the way i turned my brain of cause he wouldn't stop talking.


"We're here Y/n/n" he smiled.

"Oh what-oh thank you Kai" I smiled back.

"Would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" he asked. Fuck. Say no, say no, say no



"So...see you later?" he scratched his nape.

"Yeah...now if you excuse, I-I need to go" I quickly said and run into the class


How could you live with a guy like that?

Short story long, all the way he was talking about how the girls love him and he just doesn't want them.

And about his new hair shampoo

But he cracked a few funny jokes not gonna lie.

And he's pretty cute when nervous

Anyway i sat on a free spot in the class, it's still few minutes till the bell rings.
As I opened my backpack I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a beautiful feline eyed girl. Really dark brown hair with a pink streak and a cute dimple.

"Hey, I think you took my seat" she said politely.

"O-oh? I'm sorry" I quickly stood up and grabbed my backpack.

"It's okay, you probably didn't know" She smiled.

Oh god

What an angel

"Yeah, thank you for telling me" I smiled back and she looked down kinda blushing.

"This seat is free, you can sit here" she said and pointed a seat beside her. Which i gladly took.

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