Shin Yuna // Mystery Trainee

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"So, Y/n" Interviewer said, all of the heads snapped at me.

"Yes?" I asked with a big smile, playing with the ending of Yuna's shirt. I'm a little bit nervous not gonna lie, even tho it's been like 2 years since our debut and I've done millions of interviews I still get nervous. Mostly because I think I might do something wrong you know, I'm gonna say wrong thing or sum, especially when the question is directed directly towards me.

But then Yuna helps me and calmes me down, so I'm very thankful for that.

"Odd question but I'm pretty sure all of the ITZY members told how they got in the band but not you, could you tell us?" she said and flashed me a warm smile.

"Yeah of course, where do I begin..." I gigled very nervously, Yuna catching on my state grabbed my hand and caressed it with a small smile.

"Mom, I don't even know the language!" I whined frustrated.

"You're gonna catch it up within time darling I'm pretty sure of it, you're a smart kid. You already know 4 languages and one more shouldn't be a problem" it's true that I know 4 languages but it doesn't change the fact that I'll have to learn Korean since we're gonna live here for awhile. "Now go outside, walk around, breath in Seouls air. And we, me and your dad will gonna prepare the house. Be home by 7 sharp" I rolled my eyes but nodded.

My mom is a wonderful woman but sometimes I get tired of her. I think you knkw the feeling.

Anyway back to me, I walked out of my new house and go for a walk around the huge town (with a Google of course)
I've never lived in Korea before, I lived in many countries, such as Japan, Spain, France but never in Korea which is weird because my family roots are 100% Korean.

I was looking around, various shops, cafés, big halls, huge companies, a lot of people on the streets...but surprisingly not as many them as I thought.

I went into one store that cought my eye, cafe in fact. It was really beautiful, old-fashioned, my vibe.

I smiled and sit on the table close to the exit. My mom gave me some money so im able to buy a tea or something. I quickly ordered and just waited.

Just as I was about to put my headphones on a girl walked in.

Beautiful, a she really a person, I can't believe someone that perfect walks on earth. Her pitch black flowing slowly as she was moving making her look hot as fuck but also cute as hell at the same time. Literally my jaw fucking dropped...

I watched as she came up to the cashier and they gave her a bag with a coffee. Already prepared I see. She gave them money and walked out of the cafe.

There's no fucking option that I'm not getting her number.

For a few minutes I argued with myself if I should wait for the food oor just run after her. Fuck it! I stood up and run out of the store, I looked around in searching of her, she was far away when I spotted her. But I guess sacrifice is a sacrifice, I run after her and just as I cought her she walked into a building, a huge building. I walked in after her.

I was almost there, I almost touched her shoulder to stop her but I was stopped instead, by one of the staff members.

"Hello, who are you? Are you one of the trainees?" Woman asked in a warm tone of voice. Still, my dumbass not knowing Korean only answered.

"Huh?! Do you. Speak English." I asked, exharaging my moves to try and communicate with her.

"Fortunately I do, yes. So like I asked, are you a trainee?" omg I'm so embarrassed...


"Do you know how to dance?" I got excited. Of course I know bitch, that's my whole life.

"I love dancing, I actually won three championships" I said with a proud smile. It was really quite of an achievement for me.

"What about singing? Do you know how to sing?"

"I don't know a lot about singing but I do think I have a pretty voice" self confidence boost up, no but like seriously I really think my voice is pretty.

"Then that's it" She said and dragged my arm"

"W-where are we going?" I asked confused as she dragged me into an lift.

"You're gonna become an idol" she said simply, like it was nothing.

"wha-what? Okay I'll admit I was thinking about becoming an idol in the past but it was when I was like 7. I don't even know the language" I said.

"We can teach you Korean, you're a great dancer and supposedly you have a pretty voice. We need a new band member and you're just right here"

"Okay? And where are we going now?"

I just agreed on becoming an idol, bitch I'm 16 and my parents are waiting for me home.

"To JYP's office, he's gonna be your new boss"

"And that's pretty much it" I laughed squeezing Yuna's hand. She looked at me with that beautiful smile, just like I remember 3 years ago. "I'm 19 now and it's been 2 years since I debuted as an idol"

"So you're telling us, that you became an idol just because you wanted to meet a mystery beautiful girl from a cafe?" the Interviewer laughed and I nodded.

The world knows that I'm gay as fuck, I came out like a hear ago. JYP himself announced it.

"Yes pretty much yes" I laughed.

"But have you ever met that misterious girl that you followed?" she asked.

"Yeah" I giggled and blushed, my cheeks literally red as tomato.

"Who is it?"

"It's actually Yuna"

"Wow!" they gasped. "Thank you Yuna for bring out one of the greatest idols in the industry" Yuna blushed hard and looked down.

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