Kim Jennie // Well...

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"Stop, Lisa! Could you, for at least one moment, stop gushing over your stupid Chinese boys?!"

"And girls too"

You argued as you strolled through the mall with your best friend, holding one of her many shopping bags. She has a serious problem 

"It's making my head hurt from just listening to their names, and now you're listing me their blood types? Are you nuts? You get that it's considered an obsession at this point, right?"

"Well, kind of, but almost everyone knows these types of things in this industry."

"That's why Kpop fans are not considered normal Lisa. You know his blood type and not even your own."

"Well, why would I need to know my blood type?"

"Seriously? I get that you have dyed your hair blonde, but you cannot become stupid from just a bleach. C'mon Lili, you ain't that stupid are you?"

"That was a joke obviously, but you have to take the stick out of your ass Y/n, I'm just enjoying their music and these are amazing people too, watching them just bring me so much joy!" She argued back as she jumped around, her cherry cola almost spilling all around the mall's floor. "Besides, why do you hate kpop so much?"

"It's not like I hate it i just dont, well, their singing pisses me off, cing ciong and that shit. They just become famous like that, and they look all the same too. What's there to like?" You rolled your eyes sipping on you cherry cola too.

"So you admit to being racist?"

"Im not racist Lili!"

"You just mocked KOREAN language and how they talk, plus you said you don't like them because they look all the same. They really do have to earn to be famous and you'd know if you watched the documentary on netflix with me. And some of them do, in fact, have similar features, but if you looked at them, just a bit longer than a second before turning the music video off the screen, then you'd know"

"I just dont like Kpop, that's it. I could be with an asian person. i dont have a problem with that, " you called as you looked at Lisa's face closely. "Just dont make me listen to that shit where you're just shaking your head and legs around and yell D-ouch" you said out loud as someone much smaller bumped into you.

"SORRY! SORRY! IM SO SORRY!" The smaller person immediately reacted. "I was on my phone with my head completely in the clouds, i wasn't looking where i was going"  she jumped away.

"Look where you're going next ti-"

"OMG OMG OMG JENNIE FROM BLA-" Lisa was about to yell, but you covered her mouth quickly.

"Shut the fuck up Lisa, shes just a girl in a shopping mall you dont have to yell like that" you shushed your best friend.

"She's Jennie Kim, a girl from one of the most popular girl bands in the world. Wtf Y/n"

"Then say hi and we're going"

"What the hell?! Why would i just leave like that?!"

"Becauseee, she issss Jennie from somewhere and she just wants to shop that's it" You grabbed her shoulders meaning to turn her away from that spectacularly looking girl but she wouldn't bulge from her place.

"Fuck me dead but i aint moving while THE Jennie Kim just stands here in front of me" Lisa eagerly said.

"I won't fuck you and yes you are moving because we are currently blocking the entrance of a Chanel store" you pushed your best friend over.

"Hey I actually dont mind taking a pic or something" The small person spoke up.

"We're good thanks" She stared at you with a puzzled look but smiled cutely nonetheless. Although her eyes weren't visible, you could still sense her eyes turning into little creased lines. Her big black glasses fitted very well with her face, and her beautiful hair just made you want to gaze at her longer. "C'mon Lili, we gotta go"

"But Y/nnnnn"

"Stop whining, you big baby you'll eventually meet whoever the fuck you wanted to meet. Go, leave the girl alone" You pushed your best friend forward, as you began to walk a hand taking ahold of yours stopped you.

"Hey, you should be nicer to your friend" The girl that bumped into you said. Looking at her again felt so good. Like walking through a museum and finding that one magnificent piece of art that you just want to stop and admire for the rest of your time there.

"Okay pretty girl, I will" You smiled at her which she immediately reciprocated looking adorable as ever "Now we gotta go, cause this bitch is short on chocolate and she will throw a tantrum, byieeee" You sung but quickly yelped when your best friend hit you on the arm.

"Wait, can I get your number?" She asked curiously

"I don't know, i don't just give out my number like that you know" You answered as Lisa hit you on your arm again. "Ouch! Yep ye you can get my number here" You said and the smaller girl passed you her phone.

"See ya cute girl!" She winked as she walked into the Chanel store

"Ye see you too"

"WTF Y/N" Lisa slapped your head "Jennie Kim? JENNIE THE MF KIM?"

"I don't even know who that is why are you yelling you dumb fuck"

"Mhm thats me, I'm the dumb fuck, you almost rejected a goddes idiot!" Another hit was thrown your way, she becam real good at slaping in a span of seconds.

"To be honest she was cute, do you know her blood type too, psycho?" You laughed as she snickered.

"Yeah whatever, shes the same one you called ugly and with terrible voice today mornin"

"The Chinese little mix?"

"For fucks sake they're Korean!"

"I'm kidding bro calm down"

"Well? Are you gonna text her?"

"Well...I don't have her number dumbfuck, she has mine tho, so we'll see" You looked around, catching a glimpse of the small girl once again "And to be honest they weren't that bad...what are they called again?"


Unknown number

We're Blackpink ;*

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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