I want to point out that God has a dark sense of humor when it comes to the destiny of his creation. I am catholic, but sometimes I tend to doubt why sometimes life could have so many twists and turns.
Look, some people are born extremely poor. You could work every day, hurt your back, suffer constant pain, and all that because you want to come out of your economic status; the truth is that those who work hard have endless happy memories because they learn to treasure and work hard for those they love just to have some sort of luxury in which they can share with those they love. Being sincere... the world is cruel, and out of love and happiness, one does not eat in this world. Others are born Rich, in cradles of gold, not knowing what the word "effort" means and In my opinion, Life is more of just having good & bad luck, but more of how we are put on this planet to simply exist and work hard to see if our existence was worth it or not.
This story begins with my mother, Magaly Rodriguez . She is one out of nine brothers and sister's total. Back when she was born or the year 1966, the arrival of a newborn meant a baby pulled with "forceps." To give you a clue of what a forceps looks like, imagine long cooking spatulas. When my mother was ready to come out of the womb, the doctors had various problems. First of all, because she was positioned in "breech" form, or when your butt is the first to come out. The doctors didn't know what to do because every time they rotated her body to pull her out, she turned back to the position she was in before. The hours that passed, plus the doctors' stress and a baby who just needed to be pulled out as soon as possible, everything ended with a doctor accidentally breaking my mother's jaw.
What if I told you that no one was aware of this?
From the day my mother was born, my mother never stopped crying. She cried in the morning, in the afternoon, in the middle of the night, no matter the toy, food, or the various diaper changes. Various times my grandma took my mother to the doctor as it was really strange that my mother cried and cried for no apparent reason.
As my mother grew up through elementary, middle school, and high school, she started to have problems with her teeth. In high school, simple defects like acne, big ears, or even crooked teeth are just material for others to make fun of you. Luckily my mom was beautiful, so no one bothered her except for the guys who wanted to take her hand. One day in high school, the photographers asked my mother to smile during picture day, and she did. When she received her photo, she noticed that her bottom jaw was to the side rather than aligned with her top jaw. My mom came back home worried about this discovery, so she showed her mother the image. Mom thought she urgently needed braces, so she told her mother if, by any chance, her or her father could take her to the dentist.
The problem is that my mother comes from a country in Central America named "Costa Rica," where the Ticos or the costa Rican say "Pura Vida" (pure life) when everything could be completely wrong and not "Pura Vida." Like many countries in Central America, there aren't so many ways of income, so you must use your intelligence or hard labor to feed your kids. Her mother managed to pull out some money and take her to the dentist. When they did an X-Ray exam on my mother, the doctor had said.
"Did you know that your jaw was broken?"
After almost 17 years, lots of things began to make sense. Who would have known that a broken jaw would have started her future?
How The Galaxy Expects You To Live Until You Die (Based on A True Story)
No FicciónMy name is Sophia Godoy and i decided to write an autobiography of just everything that has happened to me. I hope my book makes you feel better and that you'd understand my perspective of life.