Ice Cream Boy ✅

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I have so many stories of that particular summer of 2013. In that summer, my father had mentioned   that there was a summer camp in the building where the park was at. The park was like a street away from our house so we would go walking. On the first day of summer camp, there was a large table with paint. I and saleem were the first to arrive. A guy with black hair had asked us what was our name and then told us to sit down at the table. Then, my dad left. 

Me and saleem sat together since we knew no one. As more kids began to come by with their parents more and more kids began to take a seat. When the table was full, the guy with black hair had welcomed us into the summer camp and told us to present ourselves by giving an explanation of what we liked to do and who we were. As all the boys and girls began to introduce themselves it was finally my turn.

"Me llamo Sophia Godoy y vengo de visita a Mexico para ver a mi padre" 

("My name is Sophia Godoy and I came to visit Mexico to see my dad")

Then everyone turned at me looking at me like if I was some type of slice of cheese. 

"Oh si?" said the guy with black hair. "de Donde vienes?" 

(Oh really... where do you come from?) 

I do want to point out that my skin was considerably dark by then because I was in the sun for so long, probably why the guy had asked me "where I came from" in a way to see if I was lying.

 "vengo desde San Pedro, California, muy cerca de la cuidad de Long beach"

 ("I come from San Pedro, California, very close to the city of Long beach") I said

The man just looked at me and continued on with my brother.

"Me llamo saleem" (my name is saleem) said my brother smartly.

"que mas me puedes decir sobre ti?" said the Guy. 

(what else can you tell me about you?)

"soy Hermano de Sophia?"

(I'm Sophia's brother?)

The man looked at my brother like... Ummm okay.

As the day went by I made a friend named "Catrina". She had a strand of her hair dyed blue and pink. We painted sculptures together on that day and many after as well. I went to the summer program every day until it ended while saleem only went the first day because he told my dad he felt bored and that the activities were too girly. Unfortunately, things don't last forever so they closed down the building the following year.

The nights in Mexico in that particular year were very hot and humid. On an average night, the temperature didn't go down 80 degrees, luckily my dad bought an air conditioner that we turned on at Nine or ten in the night and turned off when we woke up around 8 in the morning. Other times the nights were just really cold to the point where we actually had to use blankets and turn on the heater.

Me and my brother were the kings of being stupid. I had always been the outgoing girl, the one who came up with all the ideas and made the friends while Saleem was the one who followed and expected everything to come out just fine even when my creative ideas were bad and made no sense. 

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