Chapter 1~

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new beginnings

"John! John Watson!" a voice called from behind the small blonde, he turned around to be met with a huge smile greeting him. "it's me Mike, Mike Stamford from Bart's-"

he nodded quickly, remembering the man in front of him "of course, how could I forget." he smiled, hiding the ounces of sadness built inside him. "how have you been, I haven't seen you in over ten years! last I heard you were out in the war" he said astonished.

"yes been sent back due to injury" John sighed, tapping his leg with the cane in his hand. "devastating really" the two men grabbed some coffee and took a seat on a bench. they chatted idly for a while until John joked about no one wanting him as a flatmate.

Mike furrowed his eyebrows, "funny, your the second person to say that to me today." he giggled. "well who was the first?" John asked, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"a man named Sherlock Holmes."

'Sherlock Holmes' John thought in his head, he'd never heard of him before. he smiled at Mike. "you know what, I've got an idea." Mike smiled cheekily, and the next thing John knew he was climbing into a taxi and being whizzed through the busy streets of London.

John stumbled into an unfamiliar room, his leg shooting small daggers of pain through his body. "bit different from my day" he spoke, trying to melt any tension in the air. he saw a small pair of eyes glance over his for a split second.

a split second, that's all it took. John's heart slowed and so did time it would seem. "Afghanistan or Iraq?" the beautiful man asked unexpectedly. John shifted on his feet, taken aback by his statement. "sorry excuse me?" he cleared his throat. the door opened behind them, and a small brunette walked in, mug in hand. "ah thank you Molly" he thanked, flashing a small smile at the woman.

she nodded and left as quickly as she had entered. "well, what was it Afghanistan or Iraq?" he asked again. John chuckled nervously, looking over at Mike who simply smiled. "Afghanistan, sorry how did you know?" john asked, half impressed and half creeped out.

he blatantly avoided the question and spoke, "I play the violin when I'm thinking, and sometimes I don talk for days on end - would that bother you?" he asked softly. "excuse me?" john was now completely baffled at this curious man, he had only been in his presence a few moments and he had already known about his past army career, "potential flatmates should know the worst about each other," he said, flashing that same look again.

"sorry who said anything about flatmates?" john asked. "I did. I said to Mike this morning, that I was a difficult man to find a flatmate for. Now he turns up after lunch with an old friend clearly just home from military service in Afghanistan. Wasn't a difficult leap." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

John scoffed, "how did you know about Afghanistan?" sherlock ignored his comment and grabbed his coat, "I've got my eye on a nice little place in central London - together we could afford it. We'll meet there, tomorrow evening, 7 o'clock." he headed towards the door, "Sorry, got to dash - I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary." he smiled

"is that it" john yelled, sherlock reached for the door, "Is that what?" he asked, rather confused. John shifted again, slightly uncomfortable from the amount of standing and well the rather rude but handsome man.

"We've just met and we're going to go and look at a flat?" john asked, blatantly confused. "Problem?" sherlock asked, furrowing his eyebrows. John scoffed, is this man playing stupid, or is he actually just stupid? he thought. (A/U- john your the stupid fuck)

"We don't know a thing about each other. I don't know your name, I don't even know where we're meeting!" Sherlock smiled, he loved this part. "I know you're an army doctor and you've been invalided home from Afghanistan know you've got a brother with a bit of money who's worried about you, but you won't go to him for help because you don't approve of him - possibly because he's an alcoholic, more likely because he recently walked out on his wife. And I know that your therapist thinks your limp is psychosomatic -quite correctly, I'm afraid. That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?"

John looked at him in utter astonishment. "The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221b Baker Street." sherlock said, before swiftly exiting the room leaving a confused man looking at his old friend. "yeah, he's always like that".


the next morning, sherlock and john met up outside the small flat and walked upstairs together. "bit chilly today eh?" john observed, just trying to make conversation. sherlock just looked at john. "sure" he said, with a crooked smile. they walked up the stairs, the landlady nowhere in sight.

John stumbled into the room, the walls were filled with old posters and pinned-up newspapers. the dining table filled with science equipment and old experiments of some sort. the smell of burning lingered in the air. the apartment well decently decorated, but just wasn't well kept.

"oh hello Mycroft," Sherlock said, his face looking rather fed up. John pulled himself back into reality and looked at the man who was sat in one of the armchairs.

"Nice to see you've found a parter after all this time" Mycroft praised rather cheekily. "friend." sherlock corrected in a low tone. John cleared his throat, "john Watson" he greeted, stretching his arm out to shake the man's hand. "Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's older brother" he smiled.

"rather poor for your usual standard Sherlock" Mycroft scoffed, brushing some dust off his shoulder. Sherlock rolled his eyes at the comment and walked into the kitchen. "what do you think John?" john looked around and took a deep breath in, "I think it's rather lovely, could use with some cleaning up but should all be good."

Sherlock nodded, "yes I think we should move in straight away, start cleaning up now and move our stuff in the morning?" sherlock suggested. Mycroft stood up, gave sherlock a rather disgusted look, and walked towards the door, "well brother mine, ill leave you to your evening." he said, stopping in the doorway. "Dr. Watson." he smiled before turning around and leaving the new baker street boys alone.

"wait" John said, "how did he know it's Dr. Watson, how did-" john asked rather curious. Sherlock shrugged, though he knew full well that Mycroft knew almost everything about John.

"Anyway, best get a move on" sherlock smiled, flashing his gorgeous eyes at john. Sherlock wandered to the two couches and reached behind, he pulled an old-fashioned CD player and smiled to himself,  "I enjoy listening to music, it replaces the consistent thoughts" he stated.

John smiled to himself, he thought that was adorable. he watched sherlock place a  CD inside and press down on the buttons. An older slow type beat began playing, no words just perfectly timed beats. sherlock swayed his head slightly before walking towards the kitchen and sittig down at the table.

John let out a shaky breath and began taking down some of the newspapers. "your a detective?" john shouted. sherlock walked into the room and smiled, "I'm a consulting detective, the only one in the world." John nodded, he didn't exactly know what that meant but all he knew was that at that moment, sherlock was inconsiderably handsome.

the two boys spent the next few hours cleaning up the apartment, "eh that's enough for tonight. fancy a drink?" john offered, hoping to get to know Sherlock. he placed down the mug in his hand and cleared his throat, "public outings aren't really my thing" he declined. John felt a little embarrassed being rejected.

sherlock slipped his coat over himself and wrapped his scarf around his neck. "Goodnight John" he smiled before walking out the door and down the stairs leaving the lonely man to himself again.

John sighed, thinking about how he was going to move in with this beautifully intelligent man. "sherlock Holmes" he muttered, "your going to be the death of me"

hey guys, i hope you like the first chapter, please comment and let me know. i did use the script from sherlock for the exact words when john and sherlock first met, but the rest is my own!!! Cya guys, -raven x

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