Chapter 4~

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embarrassed waiter

Sherlock wandered into the living room, wearing his classic blue silk robe and joggers. but something stood out about him. the two mismatched socks, one pink ankle sock, and the other blue striped knee-high sock. John chuckled at him, thinking he looked rather adorable. Sherlock let out a sleepish yawn and realised the pair of eyes on him "morning John." he mumbled. John stood up and walked into the kitchen, leaning on the doorframe.

Sherlock began making tea, ignoring the very handsome man behind him. "pour me a cuppa will you" John asked, before slithering away from the kitchen and up the stairs. Sherlock did as he was asked and left one cup on the tray, and sat down with his own.

but as always, by the time John returned now dressed, Sherlock had become bored with just sitting. he was now stood by the window tuning his violin like usual. "lovely tune as always" John complimented, staring at the curve of Sherlocks ass.

soon a calm sensitive tune began playing, showing the intense emotions Sherlock was feeling. "what's on your mind?" John asked, knowing the melody was somber, representing what was going on in his mind. he shook his head, not wanting to reveal what was wrong.

"want me to ring Greg and ask if he has a case for us?" John offered, hoping that would cheer him up. Sherlock turned to face him, his face warm and eyes puffy.

"sure" John smiled and grabbed his phone messaging Lestrade quickly. and after a few moments he had a reply. "says he's busy with Mycroft." he sighed. Sherlock nodded his head and put down his violin. he looked at John, his hands shaky. "want to sit with me?"

John had never seen such raw emotion beaming off him. Sherlock sat down next to John, but was quickly pulled in close lying against his chest. Sherlock began humming slowly in an attempt to calm himself.

John ran his fingers through his hair, twisting a round his curls gently. "want to talk about it Sherl?" he asked, his voice in a gentle tone. Sherlock lifted his hand up to Johns face, burying it deep in his hair.

Sherlock wanted to blurt out exactly what he was feeling but he knew he couldn't. all he wanted was for John to hold him, tell him everything is going to be okay.
because the truth is, Sherlock loved him.

but he knew he couldn't tell him. instead he just shook his head, holding these desperate feelings inside himself. "nothing i'm fine" he mumbled into johns chest. John swiped the tears from sherlocks cheek and ran his finger across his jawline. "whatever is annoying you, i'm here for you and if you want to tell me you can" he heard John let out a shaky breathe and bring his hand to his hair.


John emerged from the steamy bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. he ran a hand through his hair, his face hot. Sherlock peaked over the newspaper in his hands, staring at johns abs, noticing the small droplets of water spread across his body. he took in a sharp breathe, admiring how hot John looked.

"want to go for a meal?" John croaked, his voice deep. Sherlock met his eyes and smiled slightly, "sure anywhere in mind?" he asked taking one more look at John before he whisked away to the stairs. "somewhere formal put something nice on"

Sherlock tapped his foot, 'something nice'
was John implying that his usual clothes weren't nice? was he saying that Sherlock had shit taste (probably)? did he mean formal as in a suit or just nice shirt and pants, he shrugged.

Sherlock wandered into his room and settled on a purple button up shirt, black trousers and a normal blaizer. surely thats formal enough for dinner right? he wandered out his room, running a hand through his now messy curls. "you look nice" John mumbled, matched similarly to him.

Sherlock was glad Johns outfit wasn't much different to his, white shirt and black trousers. John rolled his eyes and walked towards him. "you've messed you hair up though Sherl." he said, reaching a hand up towards his head.

John bit his bottom lip, twisting his finger around a few curls, making sure they fell perfectly. Sherlock smiled at his concentration finding it rather cute. "there" he smiled, stepping away from the taller man.
"thank you John" Sherlock thanked, loving the physical contact. both men walked towards the door and down the stairs.

"Mrs Hudson were going out well be back later!" Sherlock shouted as he opened the door and walked out. John rolled his eyes, Sherlock didn't even hold the door open for him, typical.

eventually Sherlock managed to hail a taxi, and soon both men were sat inside chatting vaguely. John shifted in his seat, knocking his knee against Sherlocks, noticing he hadn't pulled away he kept his legs there. "so where are we actually going?" Sherl asked looking out the window trying to figure out where he was.

but before John could answer the taxi pulled up, and both men climbed out. John was busy paying the man as Sherlock began deducting the restaurant. "are you sure were dressed appropriately?" he mumbled, turning his head to face John.

"yes sherlock, now stop worrying." John said, rolling his eyes slightly. they walked into the building and were seated at a table in the corner pressed against a window. "it's a bit warm in here don't you think?" John mumbled, trying to start a friendly conversation.

Sherlock shrugged, not paying much attention. "do you know what you want to order?" He asked, looking out the window rather aloof. "not thought about it" John smiled picking up the menu. "aren't you going to look?" he asked. "oh no i already knows what i want" Sherlock half heartedly smiled.

soon a beautiful blonde woman approached them asking for their orders,  John couldn't help but notice the small flirting she was attempting with Sherlock. her words rolled off her tongue differently when they were towards Sherlock, her voice was slower and high, her posture was correct and the small flicks of her hair and the charming smile. johns face went a slight red in anger, "everything alright sir?" she asked, her eyes glancing back to Sherlock.

"yes thank you, i think me and my boyfriend have decided what we want" John smiled, finding the drop in her face amusing. she went red with embarrassment and left the second she could.

"w-what was all that about?" Sherlock stuttered, rather flattered. John smiled cheekily, "she was flirting with you and i found it annoying. plus the look on her face was priceless" he giggled. "she was flirting?" Sherlock gasped sarcastically.

the two enjoyed their peaceful meal, chatted idly and even flirted slightly. but soon their night came to an end and they stumbled back to their scruffy flat slightly tipsy.

Sherlock flopped onto his bed like every night, wondering how he off all people had fallen in love, even better, the man directly upstairs was thinking the exact same thing.

so here's the weekly chapter sorry it's out so late at night i forgot i was posting this lol. i have nooo idea what i'm doing for the next one doe. but we already have 30 reads thanks guys,
anyway cya guys later !!

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