Chapter 3~

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flirty behaviour

Sherlock wandered into the living room rubbing his eyes harshly. "nice of you to finally wake up" John mocked. Sherlock dropped his hands from his face and walked over to the kettle. "what time is it?" he mumbled. John smiled at Sherlock's messy hair "about 2 pm mate." Sherlock stopped for a second before grabbing the tea bags "in making tea do you want some?" he asked.

"yeah thanks" John smiled, flicking the newspaper in his hands. after a few moments, Sherlock walked over to John and handed him a boiling hot cup. John reached his hand out and noticed the very distinguishable scars on Sherlock's wrists. he made it pretty obvious he had noticed them, he looked up at Sherlock, small ounces of pity welling up inside him.

Sherlock shook his head, knowing instantly that John wanted to talk about it. he turned away from John and walked back into his room. he placed the mug on the cabinet and ran his hands over his face, sighing deeply.

after a few seconds, there was a small knock on the door, it creaked open and Johns's head popped out slowly. "Sherlock?"

he looked up and smiled. "yes John?" he walked into the room and knelt down in front of Sherlock, placing one hand on his knee. Sherlock looked down, noticing how John's fingers wrapped around his leg perfectly. his eyes dilated and his heart rate sped up the same as johns. they looked at each other for a moment, Sherlock wondering if John was about to kiss him or not.

but instead, John broke the silence. "I noticed the self-harm scars, I just want you to know that I'm here if you ever need me." he said gently. Sherlock looked into his eyes and smiled. all he wanted to do was reach over and hug John, thanking him for being the only person to ever pay attention to him and not call him a freak. he wanted to slap his lips against John, and indulge in some passionate kissing but he couldn't, why?
because there was no way John liked him.

John smiled back at him, his hand now sweating. he stood up and walked towards the door, "your brother and Lestrade seemed to have gone out for coffee." he said, hiding a small grin. Sherlock nodded slowly. "I have a small suspicion that my brother has a little crush" he chuckled.

John opened the door but lingered in the doorway, "however Lestrade said he did have a case he wanted us to look at late tonight"

Sherlock looked up at John with slight awe in his eyes. he watched John smile once more and left the room.

sherlocks heart was racing and his face was hot, he loved how caring John was. he loved how he was the only person who ever made Sherlock feel like this. he fell backward into his bed and laughed at himself, "look at me, Sherlock Holmes in love..." he sighed. "how Mycroft would laugh at me." he rolled his eyes. he got up from his bed and walked out his room, through the kitchen and to the window.

John stayed sat in his chair reading a book. soon Sherlock picked up his violin and began playing a sweet tune. John hummed along, knowing the classic. Sherlock noticed this and snapped this memory into his mind palace.


after a few hours, John snoozing on the couch and Sherlock hidden away in his mind, Lestrade came bursting through the door. John lept us from his seat suddenly, "Greg?" he mumbled. Lestrade, who was now stood in the doorway, smiled holding a rather small case file up.

John placed a hand on Sherlocks shoulder and squeezed slightly, pulling Sherlock back into reality. he looked up and John and smiled. "what's the case this time Graham?" he asked. "it's Greg. and well this one is a weird one" he said, walking closer to the boys. "you see two men, completely unrelated we're killed the exact same time the exact same way." he said, with his thinking face on.

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