Chapter 5~

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sick Sherlock

John woke up at his usual time, 7:30. he got dressed brushed his teeth and even combed his hair, he walked out his room and down the stairs and surprisingly the flat was quite. he half expected Sherlock to be playing the violin or wandering around.

but no, Sherlock was tucked away neatly in his bed. John put the kettle on, grabbed a newspaper and sat down for a while. at 10 am, Sherlock was still asleep, "weird" John thought. normally Sherlock would be awake by now, being cocky or ordering John around like usual.

John shrugged and walked towards sherlocks room, he pressed his ear against the door and didn't hear anything. he turned the handle and opened the door slowly, Sherlock was wrapped in a blanket shaking slightly. his eyes were closed but he was sniffling.

"Sherlock are you okay?" John mumbled, letting go of the door and walking towards him. Sherlock opened his eyes and coughed loudly, "got a cold" he whimpered, looking at John weakly.

"oh dear, want me to get some tea and medicine for you?" John asked, his old doctor ways showing through. Sherlock nodded, lifting himself up on his bed. John walked out the room, leaving Sherlock alone.

he boiling the kettle and got out some medicine for him, he walked back in mug in hand. "here Sherlock drink this" he smiled,
passing the hot cup to him. Sherlock sniffled again taking the mug slowly. he brought it up too his face and sniffed it. "hot chocolate?" Sherlock asked.

John nodded, "thought you would be more appreciative with that then tea" he shrugged. Sherlock smiled again, taking the tablets from johns hand and taking them slowly.

"do you want to stay in here or move to the living room?" John asked, pulling his curtains opened slightly. Sherlock shrugged, "whatever's warmest."

John nodded and walked out his room again, he brought in two large blankets, one blue one black. he threw the blue one at Sherlock and walked back out. he returned a few moments later, with his phone and mewspaper.

he walked around the other side of the bed and got in, sherlocks eyes staying locked on John the entire time. he cuddled himself under the covers next to Sherlock and pulled the other blanket over him. "want to lay against me?" John offered, stretching his arm round the back of Sherlock.

he nuzzled his head into the crook of johns neck, and smiled to himself. "you won't get sick will you?" Sherlock asked, actual consideration dripping from his words.
"no Sherlock i'll be fine." John said, running a hand through sherlocks hair.

they stayed silent for a short while, until sherlocks breathing slowed and a small snore filled the air. John stopped petting him, dropped his arm onto sherlocks waist and pulled his closer.

John was loving every moment of this, having Sherlock in his arms. sherlock never lets John even touch him, a part from when it was to fix his tie or to move a misplaced curl from his face. but now Sherlock was cuddled closely to John, pressing his weight against him.

John hummed quietly, closing his eyes and thinking about Sherlock. soon he fell asleep, his dreams filled with the curly headed boy.

Sherlock woke up an hour or two later, pressed against Johns chest. he looked up at his face, admiring how perfect John looked whilst sleeping. his hair pushed back, his lips slightly parted and how his eyebrows looked rested. he lifted his hand and ran a finger lightly across Johns lips wondering what they would feel against his own.

Johns lips curled ever so slight and Sherlock realised he was awake "oh you fuck
head-" Sherlock spat, pulling his hand away quickly and burying his head into John, covering his red face.

John giggled lightly, placing his hand in Sherlocks curls once again. "it was cute love, don't be embarrassed" he mumbled, a slight growl in his voice.

Sherlock breathing stopped, his body began heating up. "J-John" he groaned, feeling the intensity off himself building. John stopped petting him and smiled, "what do you want Sherlock." he was amazed at how aroused Sherlock sounded.

John waited for sherlock to speak, to know exactly what he wanted. but instead sherlock shook his head, not even able to form words anymore. "use your words babe." John teased. Sherlock looked up at him and blushed harshly.

"i hate you John." he grinned, pulling himself higher. John grabbed ahold of Sherlock, spinning him around, pinning his back against the bed. he climbed on top of him and straddled his waist.

is this what you wanted?" John grumbled, his voice heavy. Sherlock placed his hands on Johns chest, licking his lips harshly. John lowered his face closer to sherlocks, "i said, is this what you want?"

Sherlock felt his erection being pushed against John, he groaned at the feeling and nodded. "i would have you right here right now Sherl." John said, running his hand down sherlocks body slowly. "but i don't want to get sick" he pouted, grabbing ahold of Sherlocks raging cock.

Sherlock gasped, looking at John in complete arousal. John let go off Sherlock and smiled, beofre placing a small kiss on his forehead before climbing off his slowly. Sherlock turned around, burying his face in the pillows trying to cover his embarrassment.

John pulled his shirt off himself, showing his toned abs. Sherlock turned his head slightly and immediately regretted it as his face became a totally new shade of red. John chuckled to himself and took off his trousers, throwing them carelessly on the floor. he walked into the bathroom pushing the door closed behind him.

"holly fuck.." Sherlock whispered to himself. looking at what a mess he was, literally just by Johns touch. he had never had a sexual relationship before. in fact, Sherlock was still a virgin. Sherlock knew John was something, as no one had ever caught his interest before.

Sherlock wanted John, he knew that. but he had no idea how to tell that to John without being completely rejected..

so yes, i missed last weeks update okay. a lot is going on in my life atm😩. literally like who knew i could have so much drama?
anyways here's your super super late chapter and i added some spice to make up for it. hope you all don't hate me :D

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