Chapter 6~

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party of his life

John burst into sherlocks room, loudly exclaiming something about a party. "Sherlock Sherlock!" he looked over at John, rolling his eyes. "what is it now?" he said, slightly annoyed at John pulling him out of his mind palace.

"so, we've been invited to this huge event Sherl. it's like a ball slash party thing!" John said, a giant grin on his face. "do i have to go?" Sherlock groaned, even the thought of another awkward social event makes him cringe. "Sherlock." John sighed.

"of course you have to go, it's something for scotland yard, and we'll it's important to Greg." Sherlock looked at him slightly confused, "greg? who's greg?" he mumbled.

"greg lestrade? seriously Sherlock" John rolled his eyes, not finding him very funny. he sat down next to Sherlock and fussed with his hair for a moment. "Sherlock, this is important to maybe put up your social front one more time. for me?" John practically begged. he thought for a moment before nodding, a small sigh there as well.

John smiled instantly, jumping up from his seat, "great, it's tomorrow so we'll go get our suits fitted later tonight at 6?" John half asked. Sherlock nodded again, "anything to keep you happy" he mumbled under his breathe. "you say something Sherl?"

he shook his head, not wanting John to of heard that. both boys went by their day as usual, solving the odd case and talking to greg as usual. but by 5, John was bouncing off the walls with excitement and Sherlock really wasn't impressed.

"Sherlock look at least party excited!" John said, hitting Sherlock leg slightly as they stood waiting for a taylor. he groaned, "whatever."

soon both boys were being fitted with perfect suits, looking as dashing as ever. Sherlock in an all black, and John in a black and white suit. they payed, the cost coming to around £740 as a total, which Sherlock wasn't impressed at. "why do they have to be that expensive! i get that there suits an all but-" Sherlock complained.

"enough Sherl. you're going to look extra handsome tomorrow night, so a nice suit is a must." John stated, his cheeks burning slightly. did John just say he was handsome? Sherlock shrugged, not wanting to get caught up in John yet again today. they returned back to their flat, drank some tea and chatted.

"so i'm going to bed Sherl." John said, standing up from his chair, "make sure you get some sleep so you'll be charged for tomorrow. and if you can't sleep because of nerves or anything come wake me up." he smiled before walking away, not waiting for an answer.

Sherlock say there, already knowing he wouldn't sleep. he shrugged and walked into his room, tossing his clothes on the floor and flopping onto his bed.

Sherlock had laid awake all night, from 10pm to 8 am. sitting thinking how much he's going to fuck up, and how he's going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. he couldn't get the thought of embarrassing him or John out of his head. and even though John said he could, he didn't wake him up. he didn't want to disturb John with his thoughts.

Sherlock was sat on the couch reading a newspaper from the other day when John stumbled down the stairs, rubbing his eyes harshly. "so Sherlock how did you sleep?" he yawned.

"perfect, as usual" Sherlock croaked, that being the first thing he's said in almost 10 hours. John squinted at him and sighed, "clearly you didn't going by the bags under your eyes Sherl." he looked away, disappointed in himself. John plonked himself next to Sherlock and rested his head against his shoulder.

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