Chapter 2~

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emotions are confusing

it had been about a week since sherlock and john had moved in, and they had been on a few cases together, it was different for sherlock to have someone like john around. and John had never experienced anything like fighting murders and drug dealers before. though they both were enjoying whatever this was.

"mid-twenties, recently flew in from Poland probably her native country. decently wealthy, new promotion and two cats." sherlock said, moving closer to the woman. "so how'd you  reckon she died?" Lestrade asked, looking over Sherlock's shoulder. "john, any guesses?"

John looked up from his feet, he stared at the back of Sherlock's curls, before clearing his throat. "well most people would say car crash since well she's in a car, but no visible injuries." sherlock nodded and turned to face John "very good, but still didn't answer my question." johns face went a little red as sherlock looked into his eyes. he looked at sherlock softly, his features becoming clearer than ever. Lestrade cleared his throat, pulling john back into reality.

sherlock turned around, his face hot with embarrassment, john had literally been staring at him with pure hunger in his eyes. he walked past Lestrade and john and headed back to the main road.

"he doesn't do relationships mate." Lestrade blurted, placing his hand on John's shoulder. John looked up at him, his face redder than anything, "it's that obvious?" he groaned. Greg chuckled nervously and leant into his ear, "it's alright mate, I've got a thing for his brother."  both men smiled and walked towards sherlock.

"right well I've got to get home to the dog, 'll cya both later" Greg said, before flashing a smile and walking away from the boys. "theres a nice Chinese right next door to the flat is you wanna get food there tonight?" sherlock asked, hailing a cabbie. John nodded and followed sherlock into the cab. the ride home was silent and slightly awkward. howether when they sat down at the table, conversation quickly began flowing.

"so you had a dog named Redbeard?" John asked, smiling at Sherlock brightly. "yeah, he always used to steal my toys, and we would walk through the forests at the back of the house." he smiled, a small glimpse of sadness dancing in his eyes. John looked closely at Sherlock and cleared his throat.

"so have you got a girlfriend?" He asked, hoping the answer was no. Sherlock looked up from his plate and put his fork down. "girlfriend no, not really my area." he said, looking past John and out the window. "oh"

"so you've got a boyfriend?" John asked, his heart beating faster. Sherlock shook his head, wondering if this was John second attempt at asking him out. "John, as much as i'm flattered. i consider myself married to my work."

John quickly looked, up his face turning a slight shade of pink. "no, i wasn't asking- no." he blurted desperately trying to correct him. "alright" Sherlock muttered.

he didn't exactly believe that John wasn't interested in him, but he decided not to push it further. 'but why was i so quick to decline?John is the only interesting person who has caught my attention before. maybe he isn't so bad?' Sherlock. thought.

'what no, don't be stupid don't second guess yourself' Sherlock shook his head, looking like he was answering something. "everything alright Sherlock?" John asked slowly. "what yeah i'm fine. not hungry anymore"

John nodded, taking another mouthful of the delicious food they had ordered. they sat silently for the next ten minutes as John finished his food, before they paid and went back upstairs to their flat.

"want a beer mate, i brought some before." John shouted, sticking his head from around the fridge. "sure, i'm a bit of a lightweight though." he admitted quietly.

John walked back into the living room, a beer in each hand, he gave one to Sherlock and sat down opposite him. "so tell me more about your childhood?" John asked.

Sherlock nodded "me and mycroft never got on very well, he's always been the older bossier big brother. my dad wasn't around very much, he was a bit of a drinker anyways and my mum had to work. this left me and mycroft home alone most of the time." he sighed.

"usually i would keep my head in a book, or busy with some puzzles. i skipped school a lot since it was shit." Sherlock laughed. "yeah i never likes school, i was on the football team fairly popular but i got cheated on in year 11, and everyone found me a loser." John sighed.

"i mean who even likes school? high school was the worst time of my life. college was alright, and i barely finished university" Sherlock rolled his eyes, swirling the bottle slightly.

John took a deep breathe before speaking, "you remeber how you talked about my brother?" he asked, his lips curling up slightly. Sherlock nodded, "well Harry, is short for Harriet." he smiled.

"sister! there's always one thing. always" he muttered, taking a rather large swig of his drink.

"yeah me and harry got on very well since it was just us and our mum. we never had any problems until 10 years ago when she started drinking." he shrugged.

"we lived in this small cottage in a village somewhere. really peaceful, not many people around. and i remember every morning we would go down to this bakery sort and steal some bread each and take it to our mum" he giggled.

"we didn't steal cause we were poor, just because it was fun" Sherlock smiled at Johns childhood stories. "oh i had this boyfriend right, and he came to meet my mum and sister. and we went down to this bakery, turns out it's his brother who owns it and the guy was trying to arrest me and harry." John said, leaning forward in his chair.

"and harry beat up my boyfriend and i punched the baker and we fucking ran right. all the way out the village and into these woods we got lost for two days because of that." John said, chuckling loudly remembering his stupid childhood memories. he stopped laughing and took a sip of his beer.

"boyfriend and a girlfriend?" Sherlock asked from behind his beer. John nodded, "i swing both ways. Bisexual i guess you could call it" he smiled.

the boys sat in silence for a few more minutes, before finishing their drinks together and heading up to bed. "night Sherlock." John called from upstairs. "goodnight Watson." he muttered. John shut his door and sat down on his bed, falling asleep rather quickly.

Sherlock wandered around his room, putting clothes away before sitting on the end of his bed. "for fucks sake." he muttered.

for once Sherlock had been unsure about something, and he hated that. why was he so quick to say no to John? he was the only one who could put up with him and he wasn't even giving him a chance. Sherlock never gives anyone a chance, why? because all people are bad.

"all lives end, all hearts are broken. caring is not an advantage" he muttered to himself, remembering the words of his brother. he knew he shouldn't be getting caught up with another human, but he was still so interested in doing so.

he shook his head, deciding he wouldn't think about it anymore. he climbed under his quilt and hummed quietly to himself, and soon he fell asleep.

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