Chapter 7

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Sure enough the students were all on the Hogwarts Express.

Harriet and Neville were at Kings Cross station waiting for the three kids.

When they got there they gave them a hug.

"How was your first year of Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"It was great! Aunt Harriet and uncle Neville are great Professors." Rose said.

"Yeah. Especially mum and defense! She's great at it!" James said.

She smiled then ruffled his hair.

"All experience from my school years. Especially fifth and seventh year." she said.

"Well, let's get home. Meeting tomorrow at two." Neville said.

"I'll set off the coins when we get home." she said wincing.

"Mum?" Frank said.

"It's nothing sweetie. Just a scar ache." she said and rubbed it a little.

They said goodbye to Ron and Hermione and headed home.

When they got there Harriet set off the coin while Kreacher started to make dinner for them.

Harriet wasn't that hungry and felt sick. She was familiar to that kind of sick from the twins.

While they ate dinner she fought the feeling of getting sick.

Neville looked at her suspicious.

She was looking pretty pale today also.

After the kids went to bed Neville and Harriet sat down for a while.

"What's wrong? You look tired and pale." he said.

"I'm fine Nev, don't worry." she said.

He didn't really buy it but let it slide.

The next day while they were at the meeting Kreacher watched the kids for them at home. Teddy went to see his friend Veronica.

"What are we going to do? It's been eight months and we still don't know what she's doing!" Cho said.

"We need to think of something that we can do fast. And where she is. It would be easier if I had a connection with her. Then I could try and figure things out." Harriet said.

She was feeling sick right now and fighting the need to throw up. While Neville sat next to her he looked at her suspicious but like last time he kept it quiet.

"Maybe you do." McGonagall said slowly.

"What?! How would I do that? I don't have a part of her in me like I did with Voldemort!" she said.

"Just try, she's his daughter. So it's worth a shot. And you're a legilimance."

She sighed and nodded.

Then she shut her eyes tightly and thought about her. A few seconds later she saw her talking to her own group.

"We're doing excellent. Potter is having trouble with a mixture of work and a family to take care of." Delphini said smirking.

"What are we doing next My Lady?" Lucius asked.

"We're going to get some mudbloods as my slave. Especially that girl Harriet is close to. Let's see, Goyle, you were at school with them the same year right?" she asked.

"Yes. Her name is Hermione Granger. Well, Hermione Weasley now. She's a know-it-all." he said.

"I've heard. Didn't Potter have her own team when she was at school?"

The people from their school time nodded.

"She really is good at Defense Against the Dark Arts My Lady." Lucius said. "Draco has told me that over the years of school. She also has studied Dark magic and used a bit in the past."

"Well, let's see what we can do at Diagon Alley in August." she said smirking.

Then everyone started clapping and cheering.

Then Harriet snapped back to it.

She looked at everyone.

"She wants muggleborn to become her slave and is planning on going especially to Hermione. She also plans on attacking Diagon Alley in August. I don't know when though." she said.

"Alright. We'll think of something. We have two months to do it." Ron said.

While they tried to figure things out Harriet wondered how she got a connection with Delphini.

After the meeting they all went home.

When they got home they said hello to Teddy, James and Frank. Teddy had come home twenty minutes ago and asked Kreacher to tell them. Then Kreacher made some dinner.

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