Chapter 10

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Before they knew it it was the twenty eighth and they were waiting for Delphini and her team to come. She had the town stay inside so they could be safe.

A few seconds later they heard something.

"So, you knew what I was doing." Delphini said.

"Thanks to a connection I wasn't expecting to have back. Never mind with you." Harriet said.

One of the new auror's was about to shot but Harriet raised her hand.

"Not yet." she whispered.

"I can see you have a lot of people with you."

"Yeah, one is a team me, Ron, Hermione and Neville made our fifth year and the other one is a team Dumbledore made the first war. Then the second war they went back together like my team did seventh year."

"Well we'll see what happens this time won't we?"

"Yeah, we will. NOW!"

So they all started dueling as good as they could. Harriet was dueling Goyle right now.

"Come on Goyle, you're doing pathetic just like school!" she said and got him with a strong stunning spell.

"Ooff!" he said.

Then he stood up and aimed a cruciatus curse at her but she got away before it hit her.

'I can't get hit by any of them or I might lose the baby.' she thought.

"You can't even beat a girl!"

Then she aimed another spell at him. He was out cold after that.

She looked around and saw everyone dueling someone. She was proud of her team and the Order.

Then she saw Lucius Malfoy aim the killing curse at Neville.

She aimed the strongest shield charm she could.

"Protago!" she yelled.

Then the spell went back at him but he jumped out of the way.

He and Neville looked around to see who it was. Then they saw Harriet put her wand down.

"Potter! How did you make such a strong shield?!" Lucius asked.

"I'm a very strong witch Lucius. You know that. I can make a patronus at thirteen and fought off over a hundred dementors at once third year, fought off the imperious curse at fourteen from class and Voldemort. I'm sure you remember that day." she said walking to him.

Then she used the locket charm on him.

"That's for your son doing it to my husband first year!" she said.

Then she wrapped some string on him.

"And that's for everything else he did to us at school!"

Then they heard some laughing. Everyone stopped and saw Delphini walk to her.

Almost all of her followers weren't able to move.

Harriet looked at her.

"You wanna get this done now?" she asked.

"Let's see what you can do Potter." she said smirking.

"Kingsley, do I have your permission to use the unforgivable curses on her if I have to? Even if I kill her?" she said.

Everyone gasped. Kingsley nodded and understood why she needed to be able to do it.

So she made a shield for everyone and looked around and then at Neville.

He looked back at her worried.

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