Chapter 6

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The next day they were at Grimauld Place. Harriet was having some tea that will make her feel better. Both to relax her and her stomach.

"Alright, anything going on?" she asked.

"I think she might have a bit of a mark herself now." Dean said.

"What?" she asked in shock.

"I saw something in the sky the other day that looked like the Dark Mark. Only different. Just a snake with this one." he said.

"Dean, you remember that I'm a legilimance. So do you mind if I use it and see if I can find what it looks like?"

He nodded.

So she looked him directly in the eyes. Then saw a snake going around into a D and then got out.

"Thanks Dean. Alright, anything else?"

"I saw someone murder a muggleborn from our years at Hogwarts. I just don't remember who." Seamus said.

She nodded.

Throughout the meeting she put mental notes to write things down.

After the meeting Harriet and Neville went back to school. It was June nineteenth and tomorrow was the last day of school.

The next day while they celebrated the end of the year feast Harriet fought the stomachache she had from her pregnancy. She still hadn't told Neville she was pregnant.

She hadn't told him because she was nervous someone would hear her and tell Delphini. If she found out she would have an advantage.

So she felt guilty about it but didn't tell anyone else.

She was now four months along. Only she and Madam Pomfrey knew she was pregnant. She had her fourth month appointment later after dinner.

Throughout the day she fought her hand from going to her stomach.

Finally after dinner she was with Madam Pomfrey.

"Alright, let's see how you're doing now." she said.

While she looked at it she said it was doing fine.

"You really do need to tell Neville soon. You know you're running out of time because you're starting to show." she said.

"I could just make it look like I'm not pregnant." she said.

Madam Pomfrey sighed and shook her head.

After that Harriet went to her quarters.

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