Chapter 5

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A few days had gone by and Harriet couldn't stop thinking about what happened. She was in the bathroom brushing her teeth and thinking.

"What am I going to do?"

She shook her head and got ready for work.

There was news in the Daily Prophet about Delphini appearing and who she is by her to warn people.

When she got to breakfast she was quiet thinking about everything.


She jumped for a second and looked at who called her.

"Huh?" she said.

"Are you ok?" Neville asked.

"Yeah, just keep thinking about what happened the other day." she said.

"It's gonna be fine. Don't worry." he said.

She nodded and then they went to work.

Throughout the day she had trouble focusing on work. After work she went to her quarters.

Sure enough it had been a month and she had called everyone for a meeting that afternoon.

When everyone got there they waited. Harriet had asked Kreacher to make them some tea.

"Alright, anyone have any news?" Harriet asked.

"I saw a snake going somewhere the other day. And since she's Voldemort's daughter I'm going to guess she's a parselmouth also." George said.

"Yes, most likely. Where was it going?" she asked.

"Somewhere near Knockturn Alley." he said.

"Where any idea?" she asked.

"Bargain and Burks." he said.

Harriet thought about something. Then remembered.

"Voldemort worked there after Hogwarts. And the other vanishing cabinet from the Room of Requirements that Draco was working on sixth year was there. That's gotta be where she is. She can't be at Malfoy Manor like Voldemort was."

She sat there thinking about what could be going on. A few minutes later she looked at everyone again.

"Can you let me use legilimancy on you and find out what she said? I still have my parseltounge and an idea why." she asked.

He nodded and looked at her straight in the eye.

"Come to me my pet. I have something for you."

Then she was back and looked at everyone again.

"Alright, let's think about what we found out earlier. Anyone else?"

Throughout the meeting she was listening to what people had been seeing and thought about things.

After the meeting they went back to work.

As the time went on they had been busy and hard. It had been six months since she met her. People were looking up to Harriet again like when she was younger before and during school. After finding out who was doing things London had thought it was up to her again.

Every week she would have the Order and Dumbledore's Army go to Grimauld Place. She also had found something out two months ago and still hadn't told Neville yet.

She was pregnant again.

She had forgotten the idea of getting an abortion and so did Poppy. With the other little war beginning and Voldemort having a daughter people had trouble remembering things.

She was thirteen weeks along right now. She didn't want or have the time to tell him with work, meetings and the paper finding out people have been killed.

Her scar had been hurting her also. It was bothering her all day and she was fighting the want to put her hand on it during class. Especially for her kids and Rose. But she had trouble doing it. She winced tightly for a few seconds.

She didn't know what was making it hurt. The Horcrux was out of her and Voldemort was gone.

She had been having trouble focusing on work today from the pain. And feeling sick from her pregnancy.

She was in her quarters reading the paper right now.

Another war?

Another group of people have been killed today. Delphini Riddle is beginning to get a group of her own. Not as big as you-know-who or Grindelwald but getting there. Harriet Longbottom says 'I'm doing the best I can. Just give me some time. Having a job and three kids isn't as easy as school. But my teams are doing good. Give me as much information as they can and I'm great-full about that.' She says.

While she read the paper she rubbed her stomach.

"What am I going to do? I'm pregnant again, there's pretty much a third war going on and it's up to me to end it again!" she said.

Then she covered her face and silently cried. While she did that Neville came and saw her crying.

"Harriet? Are you alright?" he asked and sat down next to her.

"Nev, I don't know if I can do it again. I've fought Voldemort seven times in sixteen years and defeated him twice! First at fifteen months and last at seventeen. How am I supposed to do it to his daughter?" she said.

"You can do it. Her group is smaller than Voldemort's group. And you don't have to worry about people thinking you lied about this." he said with her in his arms.

"I know. But I don't know what to do this time. I defeated him because I got rid of his Horcruxes and I won the elder wand so that's pretty much how I won. But what am I going to do this time?" she asked.

"We'll think of something. Now come on, bed. You look tired and we have a meeting tomorrow."

So he took her to bed and slept with her tonight to make her feel better.

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