Chapter 8

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As the summer went on Harriet was getting nervous about her being pregnant. She was five months and showing even more.

She had an appointment with Madam Pomfrey today and told Neville she was going to see McGonagall about something.

When she got there she laid down and waited.

"You're doing fine Potter. Keep doing what you are now." she said.

"Alright." Harriet said.

"I'm guessing you still haven't told Neville?"

"No. I want to wait a little longer."

"Potter you're starting to show even more!"

"I know! I just can't tell anyone to be safe." she said.

Poppy sighed.

"Just get some rest."

"Alright. I'll see you next month." she said.

When she got home she saw Neville helping James, Teddy and Frank with their homework.

"I'm home." she said.

"Hi mum/aunt Harriet." the three kids said together.

So Harriet gave Neville a kiss and the other kids a hug.

It was almost her and Neville's birthday.

They were having trouble thinking of anything to do to celebrate it right now. Since Neville is only a day older than her they decided to celebrate them together on Harriet's birthday.

Hermione had been staying home to be safe.

The Order and Dumbledore's Army had a lot more meetings now and Harriet had tried to keep a list of notes that they say during meetings.

She'd use the connection once in a while to try and get some news. They all said she was a great leader still.

She was six months along now and was throwing up in the bathroom. Madam Pomfrey had told her that when a halfblood or Muggleborn witch is pregnant with their first they're morning sickness stays as long as Muggle pregnancy. But on their second one it matches the wizarding world morning sickness. Which means until the middle or end of eighth month.

She has been getting a little bigger and making it look like she is still the same weight for Neville.

Delphini's group has gotten bigger also. People from the last war would join her after finding out who she was. Like Voldemort she gave them a mark but only a snake. Draco wasn't joining her though. His father had tried to get him to do it but he refused.

When she was done she washed her mouth and then went to lay down. Neville and the kids were out in Diagon Alley having lunch. She was tired so she said she was going to stay home. She had said that she was tired from doing all the team leading work and getting ready for the third war.

A few hours later they were back.

"Harriet?" Neville said.

He got no reply so he headed to their room and saw her asleep. He sighed in relief that she was OK.

He had been a little worried about her lately though. She had been tired and pale for the past few weeks. But he didn't say anything about it.

Two hours later they were having dinner. Harriet had woken up an hour ago and helped the kids with their homework.

Before they knew it it was Harriet's birthday.

The Weasley's, Augusta, Minerva, Petunia and Dudley were there to celebrate.

"I don't know if this is going to be a good birthday Nev." Harriet said.

"I know, at least we have our family with us." Neville said.

She nodded and headed to say hello to her aunt and cousin.

"Hi aunt Petunia, Dud. How are you?" she asked.

"We're doing good." Petunia said.

"Good. I've been really busy lately."

"With what? School is out for the summer." Dudley asked.

"I guess you could say that there's a third war going on."

"WHAT?!" they said together.

"Voldemort has a daughter. She has her own team, mark, everything! My scar has been bothering me to!"

"Well, let's just focus on the party for right now." Petunia said.


So they headed to go say hello to everyone.

"Alright, is everyone ready for cake?" Molly asked.

"I am!" almost everyone said.

Harriet didn't know if she'd be able to hold it down. But she decided to have one anyway so no one would be suspicious.

"Happy birthday Harriet, Neville, mum, dad, Aunt Harriet, uncle Nev." everyone said.

So they blew the candles out together. Then they had some cake.

A few hours later they split up. It was bedtime for the kids so they said good night and then Harriet and Neville sat there quietly.

"Well this was a pretty good birthday. Not as good as the last few years but that's because we have a new war going on." Neville said.

"Yeah." Harriet said.

After that they went upstairs and went to bed.

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