chapter 1

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Aaron hotchner had been working for ambassador Prentiss for 4 days before he ultimately ran into her daughter, Emily.
"Oh god I'm so sorry..." emily said after she physically ran into a man in the hall. "I don't believe I know you're name. I'm-" he cut her off
"Emily Prentiss. The ambassadors daughter." He finished for her.
"Ha. Word travels fast that I'm home from college, who told you certainly not mother. Alfred? Fred?" She said.
"I pay attention. Ambassador Prentiss talked about having a daughter and she'd be home and then i was sent to 'watch over you'. " Aaron stated.
"Of course you were." She said running a hand through her hair. "It was a pleasure running into you agent...," she stopped not catching his name.
"Hotchner." He stated.
"Agent Hotchner. I uh guess I'll be seeing more of you thanks to mother dearest." She said sarcastically.
They didn't have much contact after that, emily working on her school work mostly.

3 weeks later:
"Ms. Prentiss you aren't supposed to be out here." Hotchner said.
"What? Gonna tell the ambassador? Like she cares, Hotch I've been moved so many godamn times and she probably doesn't even realize I move when she does." Emily said taking a drink out of the whiskey bottle next to her.
"Is that...," he began.
" dads whiskey? Yeah he won't notice it's gone, wanna drink?" She offered.
"No im working and you are only 20." He said.
"Arrest me." She stated putting the bottle down and holding her wrists out. "Promise you'll be the one to handcuff me?" She said with a seductive smile.
He laughed at that. "My pleasure."
"It's cold and dark why do you want to be out here?" He asked.
"It's calming. Look up at the stars. Also this is where'd I'd go when we'd be in the states. Well here or my spot." She said leading him on.
"The spot?" He questioned.
"Yeah, they gated it off now 'cus the ambassador found out where I'd be going but it was this beautiful open field right past the back gate and through the woods. God I spent so many nights out there. After a fight with my- the ambassador or when I had no friends cus i just moved back and they done how found out i..." She reminisced. "But less about me, what was your childhood like? What do you wanna do? Cus it's clearly not this forever." She joked.
"I want to join the behavioral analysis unit with the FBI." He said.
"Oh, catching serial killers that sounds like a blast Hotch." She said taking another swig.
"How do you know about the BAU no one ever knows what I'm talking about." He stated.
"I'm in criminology at Yale and we talked about it, me and my professor. I'm looking in joining the FBI or maybe Interpol." She said offering him the bottle and him finally accepting.
"Criminology, never woulda guessed." He said.
"And what would you've guessed Agent sir." She said slurring a little bit.
"Nursing or fashion." He said and she whacked his arm.
"Fashion?! Absolutely not." She cried giggling. "If you're going to the BAU you should be a damn good profiler and if that's what you profiled me to do then you are dead wrong."
2 hours later they were both pretty wasted and now the bottle was gone.
"Uh oh. We drank the whole thing." She said giggling loudly and shivering.
"Cold?" He slurred.
"Yeah. Know any ways to warm a girl up?" She asked with a smirk.
"A few ways." He said as she kissed him. Things were getting hot and heavy when he stopped her and backed up a bit.
"We can't. I- I work for your mom and am like your body guard. This would be bad." He said sounding completely sober but clearly wasn't because she could smell the alcohol coming off both of their breaths.
"I'm 20, Hotch not a child. I want to and you clearly want to." She said making a remark about the tightening in his pants. And she kissed him hard.
The next morning she woke up with a killer hangover, naked in her bed and alone.
"What?" She questioned trying to remember everything, it all came flooding back. "Well shit."
After getting herself somewhat ready she walked out of her bedroom downstairs in hopes of seeing 'Hotch', as she had started calling him.
"Emily, my goodness you look horrible are you okay?!" Her mother said seeing emily leaned over the kitchen island nursing a hot cup of coffee.
"Fine, mother." Emily said. "Where's agent Hotchner?"
"He was requested last night to fly to D.C. to start with some thing called the BAU." She said. "He was a fine man but you'll have a new security detail." Her mother stated.
"Mom I'm 20 years old who's going into law enforcement I don't need a goddamn babysit." Emily said.
"Emily Michelle Prentiss! You will not use such language with me." Her mother said sounding extremely offended.
"Sorry." Emily said before storming out.

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