Part 7: 3 years later

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"Mom!" Delilah yelled from the upstairs bathroom.
"Ughh" emily groaned looking at Hotch. "Yes Delilah?" She said from the steps.
"Addie got into my hair stuff! Again!" She yelled.
Emily trudged up the stairs holding two non matching shoes and one of Auggie's hot wheelz cars.
"Babe shes 3. We talked about this. She'll do annoying things but she's your little sister and she just wants to be like her cool big sister!" Emily tried her best to explain it to Delilah.
"Mom I'm tired of that excuse." She groaned. "You've been using that since I was 7. Like when she pulled my earring out or threw my dance shoes out of the window. Or tried to drown Moose!"
"In the bath tub. I know." Emily tried not to laugh. "I will try harder on keeping her out of your stuff Dee. I'll get her to come say sorry."
"No mom it's okay." She sighed continuing to brush her hair. "You were busy go finish whatever you were doing."
"You sure?" Emily asked and she'd nodded. "Ugh! I love you so much. You are the best child a mother could ask for."
"I love you too." Delilah laughed tossing a hair tie at her mom.
While they were giggling and emily was getting ready to walk downstairs they heard a thud and then "August Spencer Hotchner!"
Emily groaned and looked up at the ceiling before going to see what her son did to her husband. But before she could ask she had to turn around to keep from laughing. Standing at the kitchen island was Aaron with milk running all down his face and Cheerios stuck to his cheeks.
"Emily don't laugh it's not funny." He stated seriously while Auggie just giggled away while sitting on the island.
"I'm not laughing." She said trying and failing not to laugh. "He just, he would do something like this at 7 am on a Tuesday."
"I know and I'm on twin duty today." Aaron said and nodding a thank you to emily for handing him a kitchen towel to wipe is face off with.
"Delilah and I are leaving to go grab a drink before I drop her off at school." Emily said. "I love you and I love you. And damn do I love you." She said kissing her kids heads and then kissing Aaron.
In the car:
"Alright Delilah. I've got a secret about what we're doing this morning." Emily said.
"Ohhhh! What is it?" Delilah asked.
"I took off today and we're having a girls day." She smiled.
"Really?!" Delilah asked. "We haven't had one since forever!" She said.
"I know! But we do have to go somewhere before the festivities start." Emily said.
"Where?" Delilah asked.
"Well... we're gonna go look at something." Emily said.
"Look at what?" She asked.
"Something I'm hoping you'll be happy about." Emily said.
"Like..." Delilah said.
"The baby in my stomach." Emily said.
"You're pregnant?" Delilah asked.
"Yes." She said.
"And i get to go with you to an appointment and see the baby?" Delilah said.
"Yep." Emily said.
"Oh my god mom! This is so exciting." She said.
"Really? You're not mad at me or anything?" Emily asked.
"No! I'm happy I get to be more involved since I'm older. I mean I do already have an annoying little brother and sister. But maybe this one will be better." She laughed.

Notes: and that's it friends! It has been great! Check out my other stories!!

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