Part 4

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Preset time:
"Olivia! Thank you so much for doing this for me. I will be home by noon." Emily said kissing Delilah's forehead and rushing out the door.

"Hotch! Hey sorry I'm late Dee's nanny was running behind." Emily said anxiously.
"It's okay, here please sit." He said pulling out a chair for her.
"Thanks." She said. "So uhm. I'm sure you have questions, so go ahead and ask whatever. I'll do my best to answer them."
"Yeah. So she's mine?" He asked.
"Yes. She is, I hadn't slept with anyone for while before or after you." Emily said.
"What's- what's her name?"
"Delilah. Delilah Erin Prentiss." She said watching hotchs face slightly light up when she said Erin. "She was born March 28th at 16:52. She was so little and perfect. God she was such a good baby, slept through the night at 10 weeks started walking at 14 months. Her first word was ma ma but my mother swears up and down it was ga ga, which is for some reason what Dee calls her." emily laughed. "But we don't see my mother ever anymore so I don't even know."
"Tell me more." Hotch said taking a drink of coffee.
"She has this stuffed cow I bought her called Moose that she takes absolutely everywhere! Her favorite thing to watch is Mickey Mouse or reruns of law and order, which isn't the best thing for her to watch with me but oh well?" Emily joked. "She is extremely stubborn which she gets from both of us I guess. She can be sweet and cuddly and then be sassy and think she's 13!" Emily said.
"She sounds amazing." Hotch stated.
"She really is. Do you want to meet her?" Emily asked.
"Yes, I really would." Hotch lamented to emily.
"Okay. I can uhm talk to her tonight to get her used to the idea and you can come over tomorrow if we don't catch a case if you want?" Emily said.
"Yeah, that sounds really great." He said. "I hope she feels better emily, let me know if you need anything tonight."
"Thank you Aaron, really." She said before leaving.

"Thank you so much for keeping her Liv. How was she today?" Emily asked as she walked into her apartment and pet Sergio who immediately was at her feet.
"Her coughs gotten worse so I gave her the cough medicine you set out but it really doesn't seem to help. But other than that she was really good. I'll see you tomorrow I have to get to class!" The nanny said before leaving.
"Hey Delilah, how are you baby?" Emily asked walking into her daughter bedroom and laying next to her in her bed.
"I don't feel good mommy. My chest hurts and my throat." The five year old said as she wheezed in a breath.
"Oh baby I'm sorry." Emily said running her head through her daughters hair. Delilah started to wheeze more and cough, she couldn't catch her breath.
"Dee, you need to try to breathe for me sweet girl." Emily said sitting her daughter up.
"It hurts." Delilah wheezed out, tears streaming down her face. She was breaking emily's heart.
"I know." Emily said. Delilah coughed hoarsely and started wheezing more her little face getting more and more red.
"Son of a bitch." Emily cursed under her breath. She picked up her daughter and ran to the bathroom turning on the shower. She thought that if the water was hot the steam would hopefully clear up some congestion.
"Mommy... I... it hurts." Delilah said crying and wheezing. "I... can't... breathe."
"Okay baby hold on keep breathing for me." Emily said racing to get her phone she immediately called JJ. "Pick up pick up pick up!" Nothing. Then she remembered JJ was in New Orleans with will... "fuck!" So she dialed her next person on speed dial.
"Emily, hi." He said.
"Hotch. Hotch! I need you to come over now!" Emily said. "It's Delilah, she can't- she can't breathe! Please hurry!"
Hotch sped as fast as he could over.
"Emily it's me open the door!" He said.
"Shes in the bathroom." Emily said. "I. I don't know if I should call and ambulance or what?!" Delilah kept wheezing.
"How long has it been this bad?" He asked rubbing Delilah's back as he sat next to her.
"20 minutes or so?" Emily said. "I'm calling 9-1-1." She had decided.
An ambulance arrived within the next 10 minutes, putting Delilah and emily in it having Hotch right behind them.
45 minutes later they had Delilah hooked up to oxygen and in a bed, she was admitted just to be watched through the night. Hotch was finally allowed to talk to emily.
"How- how is she?" He asked.
"Better, her breathing is getting somewhat back to normal. They said she has croup, which I figured but had no idea it could be this bad. And she needs to be tested for asthma." Emily said rubbing her hand through her hair. "I feel like a shitty parent right now. Like who doesn't know their kid is really really sick and then also has asthma?" She said with tears in her eyes.
"You are not a shitty parent emily. It's your first time with her being this sick. You did everything right, Em." He said pulling her into a hug.
"Thank you for coming Hotch." She said burying her face in his shirt.
"Of course." He said lightly rubbing her back. "Let's go sit with her."

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