Part 6-having babies and more

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Going into labor and birth:
"Mommy we're gonna be late for school." Delilah said from downstairs.
When she got no response she ran up the stairs to her parents room where she found emily doubled over in pain at the sink on the phone with olivia her old nanny.
"Mommy are you okay?" She asked.
"Hey... Dee. I'm fine." She lied in between big deep breaths. "Dads on his way and so is Liv."
"Uh why?" Delilah asked.
"You're siblings have decided to make their debut today." Emily tried to joke.
"Oh." Delilah said. "Oh! Oh my god! The babies are coming?!"
"Yes." Emily laughed between a contraction. 4 1/2 minutes later Aaron came running through the door and up the stairs.
"Daddy, mommy's gonna have the babies!" Delilah said.
"I know! Isnt that exciting." Aaron said.
"Liv gets here in about 5 minutes and then we can head out." Emily grounded out gripping the sink with white knuckles.
"Okay." Hotch said trying to sound completely calm. "Delilah can you go get mom and ice water please?"
"Yes!" Delilah said before speeding out of the room trying to be helpful.
"Em... how bad?" He asked.
"Really bad." Emily groaned not looking at him in the eye.
"How long?" He asked rubbing her lower back.
"Couple hours." She said breathing hard.
"Oh shit." He mumbled. "Emily you need to breathe babe. Try to do it normally."
3 hours later emily was finally in the delivery room.
"Ahhhhgg!" Emily yelled. "Make it stop, please!"
"I would if I could. Emily you are doing so great." Aaron said as she gripped his hand.
"Why does there have to be two?!" Emily yelled.
"It's gonna be so great when there here I swear." He said kissing her forehead.
"I do not like you." Emily said. "You did this again! We are never ever having sex again am I clear?" She said in her Prentiss voice.
"Uh yes." He lied trying to sound serious.
"I just want them out of me!" Emily yelled as another contraction hit and the doctor said for her to push.
"We got a head!" The doctor said making emily roll her eyes. "Shoulders are out... and here comes baby boy Hotchner!" The doctor said over the screaming baby.
"There's our boy Em. He's perfect." Hotch said.
"He's okay?" She asked as tears of now happiness streamed down her face.
"Okay come on baby girl." The doctor said. "Emily 2 more big pushes when I say and your daughter will be here."
"I can't Aaron I really can't I'm so sorry." Emily said.
"Yes you can." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "You are the single most strongest, powerful, badasss, sexy, FBI agent there is. I know you can and you will do this." He stated in his agent Hotchner voice.
"Ahhhhhgghh" she yelled pushing hard.
"Okay here's her head and shoulders and baby girl Hotchner is out." The doctor said fast before Aaron realized the baby wasn't crying.
"A- Aaron why. Why isn't she crying?" Emily asked crying a bit.
"I'm not sure. The doctors are doing everything they can." Aaron said looking over at the pediatric staff.
Just then they heard a scream and both were able to let out a breath they'd both held in.
"Got a great set a' lungs!" The doctor joked.
"Aaron call Delilah please." Emily said. "Then the team." She smiled.

Meeting Delilah and the team:
"Hi mommy!" Delilah whispered when she walked in the room.
"Hey baby girl!" Emily said holding her son. "Wanna meet your siblings?"
"Yes! Where's daddy?" She asked getting on the hospital bed next to emily.
"With your sister." Emily explained while she carefully put her son in her eldest lap.
"What's his name?" Delilah asked carefully holding her brother. "He's so cute!"
"August Spencer Hotchner." Emily said running her pinky down her sons adorable nose.
"Awww! Can I call him Auggie?" Delilah asked her mom.
"Of course." Emily said kissing her head.
"When is dad gonna be back with my sister?" Delilah asked.
"Should be back any minute babe." Emily said.
About 5 minutes later aaron walked in with his daughter.
"Dad!" Delilah said seeing her father walk in with her sister.
"Hey Dee." He smiled. "Wanna meet your little sister?"
"Yes." She said carefully jumping off the bed and running to Hotch.
"Delilah I want you to meet Adeline Penelope Hotchner." Hotch stated.
"She's so little! She's got my hair color dad!" Delilah gushed over her baby sister.
"She does, doesn't she." He smiled looking over to emily as she watched him interact with their children.
About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door.
"Hey! Can we come in?" Penelope asked.
"Yes of course!" Emily said.
The whole team walked in and everyone 'awed' at the new arrivals.
"So what are these cuties names?" Penelope asked holding august.
"Well you're holding August Spencer Hotchner. Aka Auggie " Emily said watching as Spencer's eyes lit up when he heard the name. "And Morgan you're holding Adeline Penelope Hotchner Aka Addie." 
"I'm gonna cry!" Penelope said. "You guys are the best!"
"We had a really, really hard time deciding on names and godparents but then it all just fell into place." Aaron said.
"Yeah so spencer worked really well with august, so Spence you're his godfather and Jayje you're his godmother. Then Penelope you're name worked so well with Adeline you're her godmother and Derek you're her godfather." Emily explained.
"And you all work incredibly well as a team so it's a team effort for all our children." Hotch said. "Because you all have been amazing with Delilah and now it's really official with these two." He smiled, like really smiled. They were all shocked.

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