♡︎𝔸 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝔸𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟♡︎ Cuddles x Yandere!Reader [part 1]

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You guys will understand the gif after you get done reading this Imao

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You guys will understand the gif after you get done reading this Imao. Come back and look at it when you're done and comment(?) your reaction because I'm just curious.
Also if you can't read the title, it says,"A Love Sick Addiction".


✰Death, detailed murder, Weapons, unhealthy obsession, manipulation, drowning, intrusive thoughts, unhealthy obsession, taking pictures of someone when their not looking,anger,lots of cussing, stalking,backstabbed/mistrust.
✰If these can trigger anything, please leave.
✰ Reader is non-binary/gender neutral
✰ these ❛ ❜ mean you/something/someone is thinking or talking to them self's in their head.
✰enjoy loves♡︎

Authors POV

You were- scratch that,- You ARE obsessed with cuddles. You need him, you want him. You truly need him to even Breathe, to Live, to do
a n y t h i n g . You need and want him all to yourself. You admit, you're being selfish, but you just... Couldn't and can't help it. He was just too . . .

P e r f e c t

in every way possible and Imaginable. Just looking at him feels you with excitement. You Love how he would turn your Love sick stares with a soft, gentle smile. A smile that you became so fucking addicted to, so very quickly. His sweet personality, everything about him you are addicted to. You often find yourself staring at his lips, they just looked so soft, like a cloud like soft. You also find yourself taking pictures of him when he's not paying attention. You know that no-one, and I mean no-one could ever love him like you do, no-one cares about him like you do. You'd kill for him, and your just about to.
You somewhat had grown a liking towards giggles, but she got a little too. . . T o u c h y recently. You stalked her just in case it was an mistunder standing, but it wasn't. She mentioned on the phone to Petunia that she actually liked cuddles. You have to get rid of her right now.

F/N, The person You thought you could trust, liked cuddles two. You figured that out about an hour ago. You accidentally walked in on her talking about how she "loved" him more than you to some random bitch that you give zero fucks about.

. . .

That bitch could never love him like you do, plus, why would he want to date a bitch like her? She's flat in both ways, she doesn't even have a personality, and she's a whole ass mess. nothing else. She was an rival that you just had to Eliminate. She was in the way of you and cuddles. You just had to take "care" of her. It's two days away from Valentine's day and she plans to ask him to be her Valentine. You won't let that happen. You'll just get rid of her tomorrow and get rid of Giggles today. It's 9:00 am, the time where Giggles is up and ready. Time to put your plan in action. You quickly throw on ( you chose number 1):

Happy Tree Friends oneshots+Headcanons[Book 1!]Where stories live. Discover now