More random headcanons

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Weird obsessions, mentions of the ocean/sea, mentions of physical scars, mentions of plants

Human Flippy has very curly hair and is very tan. He also has this huge scar across his face.

Flaky has anime thighs.

Petunia has this weird obsession with plants, like she's just a natural plant mom.

Flaky has this creepy obsession when dating someone she'll want their teeth & skin to keep in a box and she'll treasure it more than gold.

Lammy and cuddles have this obsession with keeping up with how many times everyone has died, it's super weird.

When the mime dates someone it has a crush on someone he'll do anything for them, he'll break someone's back if they asked him to.

Fliqpy is a HUGE softie when alone with someone he's dating.

Lumpy has a little plushie of his crush/lover that he cuddles in his sleep at night or when he's alone.

Sniffles has spent a week making robotic hands for handy because he felt bad for him.

Sneaky is a he/they aka non-binary in the closet.

When the ants have a crush they'll will want to know basically everything about you, and when I say everything I mean everything

Giggles is a hopeless romantic without a doubt

It's hard for Splendont to fall for someone, but when he does he falls HARD

If you'll listen/are interested, Russell will tell you stories about his adventures out on the ocean/sea as a pirate!


248 words

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