Part 1 - Imagine Newt

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You wake up with all these boys looking at you, you just lay there watching all of them. You look at everyone and you come across this one that your eye catches and cannot stop starring at him. He comes up to you.

"Hello, my names Newt welcome to the Glade." He offers a hand

"Uh um" you don't finish, you just take his hand wipe off the dirt on you and continue your sentence.

"M-my name is y/n"

"Pretty name, come on I'll show you around"

"Thanks." You can't help yourself from a smile but trys to hide it.


"It might be a tough night, it is your first night anyway. But come talk to me if you any questions"

"Okay, thanks"

"For what?"

"For showing me around and being nice."

"Your welcome, got to go but I'll see you later" he says jogging away

You yell back before he cannot hear you

"Yeah okay, wait what did you say was going on tonight?" You shrug and walk away.

-----------during The Bonfire-----------

Newt runs up to you.

"Hey y/n, so how do you like the bomb fire?"

"It's cool, but its a little weird being the only girl here"

"It'll be fine you can hang out with me until your job gets picked."

A huge grin comes from your mouth

"Yeah, I'd like that."

He smiles really cute and you can't help but think about him. You giggle and after he laughed. You two walk for a bit talking, getting to know each other much better.

"Woah, we've been talking for a long time everyone is already in bed"

"Well there was a lot to learn about each other. Well we should probably just head to sleep now, goodnight y/n"


You lay there thinking about Newt, you continuelsly see his smile, hear his laugh and you have no idea why. You tose and turn, you just get up and go to where the fire was and you stop in shock. You become so happy when you see Newt like a burst of energy struck through you but instead of going to sit beside him you just turn around to head back where you came from.

"Y/n come sit down with me"

All of a sudden you jump, in fear. He runs over to you

"Are you okay?" You could hear the worry in his voice

"Oh yeah, you just scared the klunk out of me"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's fine"

You and Newt go sit on a piece of wood.

"So why are you up?", he asks

"I couldn't go to sleep."

"Why" he quickly responds

"I guess it was cause I'm scared to, if a nightmare might come or something like that. I know it sounds silly but I just have a bad feeling if I go to sleep." You studder on your next words and mumble them

"A-and I was thinking about you"

His voice changed

"You were thinking about me?" He smiles a smile saying that he's falerred

"Yeah, I couldn't get you out of my mind no matter how much I tried. So I just gave up on fighting and let myself think about you, weird right?"

"Not at all, I couldn't stop thinking about you too"

You make the biggest grin, he grins back.

"I don't want to sleep"

"Yeah I know, well would you like to sleep in my room just so you won't get nightmares"

"Sure!" As you blurred not even thinking about what your saying.

He grabs your hand and brings you into his room and jesters for you to lay down so you do, and he lays next to you and you could no longer fight yourself so you hug him and his hugs back.

In the morning Minho walked in and said

"What's going on here" as we were still hugging, your head on his chest

-A little bit of a hangcliffer hope you enjoyed

The first of my imagine Newt, I will update

More but not right now. Maybe one every week.

Leave some comments and tell me what you think•-• :)

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