Part 10 - Newt Imagine

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Your heart stopped from what Thomas was going to say next, you questioned yorself

Should have I said that?

I didn't mean to it slipped threw my lips.

You realized how stupid it was to be talking to yourself in your head, you stopped talking to yourself and that is when Thomas finally spoke before he did he looked at you with a hardly readable face than he began
"Why are we still here than?" You could tell how irritated he was that you didn't get them out. You wanted to avoid this conversation so you tried to convince him
"I just found out awhile ago and you expect me to get everyone out already, no even if we do leave we have to be prepared for that and we aren't..." You almost whispered the next words you say but they turn into a mumble "And the creators wouldn't be happy with me"
"Why would they? there is no reason to be" you knew you had to tell him why they couldn't do that and what they will do to you if you did.
"T-th-" you couldn't help but hesitate.
"Th what?" He says having absolutely no clue what your going to say next.
"Thomas" you look him straight in his eyes and made him reach your gaze, showing you are not even joking what your about to say
"They'll kill me"

You didn't care anymore after that you couldn't say anymore about this conversion, you stood up not even daring to look at him and paused than you could move your feet again and you climbed back down from the tree. You knew in your heart he couldn't tell anyone because you made him promise, but your thoughts were saying something else.

-----A Little Bit Later-----

Thomas was still in the tree trying to understand what he just experience in front of his eyes, he knew what it was but still sit there like he didn't, it was fear peer true fear.
You ran into Newt and kissed him on the lips, only wanting his presence.
"What are we now?" He was very concerned by his face expression, you didn't know what you guys were but you demanded an answer and instead of searching for one you gave it.
"Boyfriend and girlfriend, only if you want to be my boyfriend"
"So we are dating now?"
"I guess we are" you responded not to fast or to slow.
after a minute he said something before that was dead silence between you two.
"Oh bloody dammit."
"What?" You had to giggle, you just couldn't hold it in it was to funny.
"Now I have to take you on dates."
"Shut up" you nuged him.
"No, I mean I have to take you on dates and there is nothing good here to take someone so beautiful and special on a date." You loved his British accent and couldn't help but kiss him.
"Doesn't matter where we are or where we go, as long as I'm with you"
You kissed each other again but much longer than any kiss you have ever shared with him. This kiss was new, it was so graceful, so full of love, and so much more. These new kisses were nothing like the rest they were unexplainable, no kiss had ever felt like this one. You had to stop for air, you heavily breathed and so did Newt.
"I love you" he said still heavily breathing from every piece of air that slipped into his mouth and into his lungs than back out again.
"And I am crazy about you" you said this because it is true and before you said you love someone or in love with someone you wanted to make sure it was forever love that could lay in the grass forever.
"Is that a good thing?" You both are still in the after kissing phase, your hands wrapped around his neck like you could never let go or else you would lose this boy who stole your heart before any of this.
"Yes" you hug with your arms still wrapped around him but move them down to his shoulders.

I cannot say it, not until I know for sure he is the one

Don't do it y/n

Screw it

You kiss again but much shorter than before.
"Yes Love?"
"I am in love with you" you say it with so much love and truth, when you say it you know he is the one.
He doesn't say anything which starts to worry you, until he leans in and kisses you this kiss was his response and didn't need to say anything else to know what he meant to say but couldn't find the words to get to his lips.
"Ew, gross. Way to go now you got cooties Newt." You knew from the first word who it was and than you both stopped for Newt to see who it is, it seemed that he already knew who it was.
"You came here to disturb us for what?"
"Alby told me to and believe me I would have not have come to get you to see that"
You rolled my eyes.
You had to, you just couldn't not do it so you did.
"Eww cooties!!" You say like a huge girly girl, you flapped you arms to your face and back out to the open air.
"Whatever" you hear Newt say.
"Now no more wasting time Newt, Alby will be angry."
"Fine I'm coming." He turns around, walking backwards and says
"Bye love." He waves to you and you did to.

-----in the middle of you little walk-----

Thomas sees you and you see him, you turn around to try and avoid him but he grabs your wrist and spins you back around to face him. He let's go of your wrist and than

He kisses you.

finally updated, yay! More of the love between you and Newt. I should go now and finish my stupid homework, dammite homework. Hopefully my next update will be soon. Second day of school after spring break and have loads of homework everyday, kinda a tight schedule though so makes sense. Well better go do that. Comment please thank you. Yay omg 700 reads in all thank you all so so much.

I Fell For You - Newt imagineWhere stories live. Discover now