Part 19 - Newt Imagine

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You didn't know what to do, you failed. WICKED won, they killed the true person your friends were. You we're dead, you could feel it travel through your body. You lost hope, all hope that was created soon destroyed. You got tricked, WICKED cheated. Because of that you'll lose your friends...especially Newt. You lay there, holding every memory. You fell asleep, your dreams were meeting all of them. Newt was the last one that you re-experience again only the first memory wasn't meeting him, he was crying. You had a cesar while you saw that last memory, it was your bodies way of waking you up from the dream that turned into a nightmare.
You woke up, your head was throbbing. You touch the top right side of your head, it hurt just from touching it lightly.

Newt. The Gladers. Thomas.

Your head was now buried in your knees, tears ran down that pretty face of yours. Each drop landing on your pants, leaving a dark spot.
Something grabbed you, the person covered your mouth so you had no chance of screaming. You didn't want to but it was your only choice, your teeth pinched the person holding you skin. A yelp escaped there mouth, it sounded fimilar to you. You realized they let go of you and now you have to move and see who it was and fight them. You didn't take any steps forward, you swung your leg back. Sacking the man and you turned around, you couldn't see his face.
"Who the hell are you"
"Thanks for the sack and the bite, it was an honour" said the man looking up at you.


Thomas was the person you sacked. You went up to him and hugged him, your arms were wrapped around his body tightly.
"Sorry" was all you could manage to get out of your voice box.
"It's okay but are you hurt?"
"No, why would I be?"
"What about them?"
Thomas explained his point of view and paused when he got dragged by someone.
"Thomas what happened?"
"I got dragged, which wasn't bad."
"Than what's the problem"
"I tried to scream, I tried but I couldn't."
"Thomas tell me!"
"I heard him scream no and I knew you were going to die, I thought you were dead"
"Thomas calm down" your hand reached his face and you pushed on his face, forcing him to look at you.
"I'm not dead"
His head moved closer but stopped, he hesitated.
"I know." He looked back down.
"Anyways WICKED got me again and put me in this white room like the first one, I escaped that and looked around the corner to where they're watching the maze and the Gladers. I saw you trapped, I went the same way I got out the first time and grabbed you"
"One question, why did you cover my mouth?"
"To stop you from screaming cause WICKED would notice that I escaped again and probably do something to me to injure me."
"Wait oh no, we have to go hurry Y/n"
"They probably noticed us by now"
"Oh crap, let's move"
You both made it back to WICKED and carefully opened the door, your eyes were focused on what you were seeing. Thomas did the same, there was no contact between you and Thomas. What was in front of you was

WICKED with guns, and they were pointed towards you and Thomas

A lady spoke, who looked like the leader.

"How nice of you both to join us"

- How was this? I think this was to short and really bad, not a lot of detail was involved this time. Was this good? Probably not. Enjoy, thanks for commenting Lovelies and voting.
Shout out: NewtieCutie_imagines
She has amazing imagines, she just doesn't update often but besides that everything is amazing.
Well bye<3

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