Ch.1 The Choco Lava Cake

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■3rd Person POV■

A girl runs aimlessly under the heavy rain. Her (h/c) hair is drenched and so does her entire body.

L/N Y/N finally stops running after she's tired. She crouches down and buries her face on her knees. Her tears are camouflage with the rain.

Y/N: why? What did I do wrong?

Earlier, Y/N's boyfriend broke up with her right after Y/N found her with a girl in his apartment. Hirano Sogo, a colleague from the same company who became her boyfriend of two years, cheated on her with a junior named Miki.

Y/N was about to deliver Sogo's charger that's inside her bag but found out he was making out with Miki in his apartment. Sogo apologizes and says he wants to end it with her. Y/N shoves his charger to him and left the scene though it's raining hard, leaving her umbrella.

Now she is crying, and shivering under the rain thinking about what did she do wrong. Just then, the rain stops hitting her body.

Y/N looks up and sees an umbrella sheltering her body from the rain. She looks back and see the man who holds the umbrella for her. A man with beautiful red hair smiles at her.

Tendou: hey missy, it's cold out here... let's get inside my shop...

The man offers her a hand and somehow Y/N reaches out to him

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The man offers her a hand and somehow Y/N reaches out to him. Y/N reads the name tag on his clothes.

Y/N: Tendou Satori...

Tendo invites Y/N to his shop. It's 09.00 right now and he's actually about to close the shop when he saw a girl crouching in front of his door.

Tendou: come here...

Y/N: but I'm drenched...

Tendou smiles at the shivering girl and Y/N think his smile is just like a child.

Tendou: it's okay... we can just mop it later, and I'm already closed too... here you can change with this, the only things I have in here.

Tendou hands Y/N a towel, his Hoodie, and pants of the shop uniform. Y/N gets inside the bathroom and changes.

Y/N: w-why did I just follow a man under the rain... but... he doesn't look like a bad person...

Y/N walks out of the bathroom and sees Tendo facing away from her, doing something on the counter. When he notices her he looks back and smiles.

Tendou: come here...

Y/N sits on the counter and Tendou serves her a delicious looking Choco lava cake and a cup of warm cinnamon latte.

Tendou: you need to warm yourself up~

■Y/N's POV■

The sweet and bitter smell of chocolate hits my nose right away. Tendou san looks excited as he leans his face in his hands right across the counter.

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