Ch.2 Eclair

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■Y/N's POV■

I put my stuff inside my bag and head to the elevator. My work is done and I'm heading back home now.

As I reach the ground floor, I walk out of the elevator and hear a familiar voice. I take a glance at the hallway to my right and see Sogo.

Sogo also sees me and his eyes widened. I see how he turns his body towards me and the memories from yesterday came to mind. I hurriedly turn around and walk out of the office building.

I ran away...

Suddenly I feel sad again. It's only yesterday that he broke up with me, and the pain is still lingering in my chest.

"Tendou: keep eating... dig up... fill your heart up..."

Memories from yesterday when I met Satori san, a chocolatier from a store not too far from Sogo's apartments. It's not too far from here too.

I... he told me I can come again...

With that, I decided to go to Satori san's place.

When I arrived, it's not like yesterday, there are some people around. I look at my watch and of course, it's only 8.30 p.m, yesterday I was here an hour later. just then.

Tendou: Y/N~ you came again... come here come here...

Satori san peeks from the door and opens it for me to walk in. Satori san takes me to the counter and told me to sit on the stool.

Worker1: hmm... who is this boss?

Tendo: ah, this is my new friend... L/N Y/N... be kind to her okay... go get her a warm drink...

Worker2: roger~

One of the workers kindly places a cup of hot chocolate in front of me.

Worker2: enjoy L/N san~

Y/N: ah yes... thank you

The sweet and bitter smell of the dark chocolate hits my nose right away, kind of soothing me.

As I enjoy my drink, I notice that the employees have started tidying the place. And when it's 9.10p.m they all leave, leaving me and Satori san alone.

Y/N: Satori san?

Satori san is at one of the counters in the kitchen, working on something I guess.

Tendou: a minute~

After a while, Satori san comes to me and places a pretty-looking chocolate eclair.

Y/N: ah, it's pretty...

As I was admiring the desert in front of me, I can feel that someone is leaning in front of me. I look up to see Satori san staring at me, and for a sec my heart skips a beat at the closeness.

Tendou: what's wrong Y/N... you look down...

I was surprised, am I really that easy to read? Satori san, he could guess right away.


Can't help but talk to him...

Being with him...

Makes me want to pour what I feel...

■Tendou's POV■

The moment I saw her in front of the shop earlier, I can see she has something on her mind.

She's easy to read through her crystal clear eyes...

Tendou: so? Want to tell me~ friend?

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