Ch.3 Tripple Chocolate Opera

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■3rd Person POV■

It's been two months since Tendou and Y/N became friends. Y/N keeps coming to his shop at least every three days. But since two weeks ago, she couldn't come due to her load of work. But though she didn't come for almost two weeks, they still talk on chat.

But today, Y/N gets to finish her job early. She tidies up her desk and puts her stuff in her bag, and then she pulls out her phone.

Sender: Y/N
Recipient: Tendou Satori

Satori san, good evening. Can I come to your shop today? I've finished my job earlier.

Y/N has been really comfortable talking with Tendou about her problem. These days, though they still talk in chat, Y/N somehow doesn't feel content and hopes she could come to the shop.


Sender: Tendou Satori
Recipient: Y/N

Of course, you can
Come, I'll make something new again then.
I'll be waiting (๑¯∇¯๑)

Reading his replies makes her chuckles a little. She takes her bag and says goodbye to her coworkers and gets inside the elevator.

When she walks out of the elevator and heads to the exit with a happy face. A man was looking at her from one of the hallways. Looking at how her beautiful hair swayed as she walks out of the office.

Miki: Sogo senpai... why are you zoning out? What are you looking at?

Miki looks at where Sogo eyes are staring but sees nothing besides the automatic door, Y/N has left.

Sogo: ah... nothing...

Miki: well, so... can we have dinner together today senpai?

Sogo glances at the door where Y/N just left and sighs. He looks at the woman in front of him, his current girlfriend, the one that he chooses over Y/N.

Sogo: sure...

The two walks out of the building and go turn right. But Sogo looks back at where Y/N head, which is not her way home.

Sogo: where is she going?

On the other place, Y/N has arrived at Tendou's shop. She slowly pushes the glass door open, making the bell chimes. The sound of the door makes everyone looks her way.

Worker1: ooh, L/N san... welcome...

Y/N: good evening...

Y/N sits on the stool near the counter and one of the workers serves water for her.

Workee2: I guess you're busy these days?

Y/N: thank you... yes, one of my colleagues from my division resigned because she's getting married, and we're sort of understaffed so... yeah...

Worker1: ah you work hard L/N san... wait, Tendou san is busy in the kitchen at the moment...

Tendou: not anymore~

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