Ch.5 Choco Cream Tart

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■Tendou's POV■

I drive my car and stop in front of an apartment building. I get off and lean on my car, waiting for a certain someone who lives here to come.

Just then, my eyes caught what they wanted to see the most. (H/C) hair swayed as the owner of that beautiful hair make a small run to me.

I can't help but laugh a little seeing as she looks flustered the moment she stepped out of the apartment and sees me. She stops in front of me and I can see those red tinges on her cheeks.

Y/N: g-good morning... um, did you wait long Satori san?

The Y/N that I always see wearing her work clothes, now standing in front of me with her cute outfit.


Tendou: nope~ just arrived Y/N, that's why you shouldn't have run...

Y/N looks down, averting her gaze away from me and I can see the tip of her ears is red.

Y/N: o-okay...

I asked her to go on a date with me yesterday. I realize that I have fallen for this woman who a couple of months ago crying in front of my store.

As she keeps on visiting my store, trying my new recipes, I found her endearing from the way she looks to the way she acts. Unknowingly, I've been attached to her presence around me.

And yesterday, as I see that I have a chance to get close to her, I waste no time and asked her out. I'd be sure to make her conscious of me today.

Tendou: well, let's go~

Y/N: where are we going to?

I open the passenger seat for her and smile.

Tendou: we're going to make you attracted to me...

Her face turns fifty shades of red and how amused I am to see her like this because of me.

I'm gonna make her pay...

For making me thinking about her...


Y/N's POV■

Satori san stops the car and we both get off of the car, standing in a parking lot of an amusement park.

Y/N: amusement park!

It's been years since I last visited the amusement park.

Tendou: yep, according to my dictionary, the first step to making you fall for me is... by making you having so much fun in this place, so now let's get inside...

Satori san held his hand out in front of me. The smile on his face could make me melt on the spot. I put my hand on him and he holds it tight and starts pulling me towards the entrance.

Satori san and I ride a lot of things in here. I was pretty stressed with work but my head is starting to get refreshed after only playing a couple of rides.

Satori san looks like he enjoys everything as well. Whenever we got from a ride to another ride, Satori san always holds my hand and that's making my heart beats so fast.

Before we leave, we eat at the food stalls area and head of somewhere else. It's almost dark by now, I look at the time.

05.30 P.M

Y/N: where are we going next Satori san?

Tendou: the second step to make you fall for me is... to make you realize that I can protect you...

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