ch.4 Choco Fudge

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■Y/N's POV■

I'm staring at the screen in front of me, trying to focus my mind on my work.

Nara: L/N you're quite occupied with your work this week, quite the admirable employee~

Y/N: ah... haha... I just want to make sure I finish everything.

This whole week I've been trying to keep my head working by doing all of my work and even finish my task for the following week.

I save the work that I'm currently working on and then submit it to my boss's email.

Now my task for this week and some for next week is done. The moment my head got cleared from my job.

"Tendou: What if I make you fall in love with me?"



I accidentally banged my head on my desk as a surge of embarrassment fills me for remembering Satori san words last week.

Y/N: I-I am o-okay haha... sorry, I guess I'm sleepy hehehe...

Since my last encounter with Satori san last week, I can't get him out of my head. Whenever I have nothing to do, I keep on seeing him on my mind.

Not just that, I think I wronged him because I only reply shortly to his message these days because I don't know what to say, and he stopped texting me two days ago.

Is he mad....

Nara: L/N?

Y/N: ah, yes?

Nara stares at me and pokes my finger. She looks at me with such a curiosity.

Nara: are you... perhaps... you are close with someone right now?

I could feel my face grew warm and then Nara smirks at me. She put her arm on my shoulder and leans closer.

Nara: haha... guess so... you look like we're trying to distract your mind these days... I thought you have a problem, but then just now, your face suddenly looks... sad and... longing for something...

Do I look like that?

Y/N: n-no... I uh... he's just ah... a friend... I um

Nara: I see I see... so, who's this lucky "friend"?

Nara's eyes making me nervous as she grinning at me. I look away and can't help to think about Satori san.

Y/N: he... is a chocolatier...

Nara: whoa? Sweet~ continue

I told Nara how he help me in the rain that day and how we became friends.

Y/N: and then last week-

The memories from last week came again and I cover my face.

Y/N: n-nothing...

Nara: you're so predictable you know sweetie... well I guess... he made you conscious of him last week? Am I wrong?


It's true after he said that, I can't help but think about him. Satori san is really nice and he's very attractive too. He's so kind and always gave me his handmade desert.

I'm conscious of him...

I look up and see Nara smiling at me.

Nara: well, it's better this way... better than how you look sad months ago after tour break up with that guy from the 3rd-floor division... anyway, L/N Let's go down together~

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