Ch.6 Sweet Chocolate

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■3rd Person POV■

Nara is staring at her colleague who sits in front of her. Y/N looks like she's on a date right now. It's almost time for them to go home but Y/N just stares blankly at her screen.

It's been three months since Y/N and Sogo broke up, he is no longer bothering Y/N in her mind, but, there's another man that lingers. A certain chocolatier with red hair.

Two days ago Y/N went on a date with Tendou and she can't get him out of her head. How kind he is while being around her when she's trying to get through her breakup, and how he always cheering her up with his jokes and delicious desserts.

A finger flicks the side of her head, making Y/N woke up from her daydream. She looks to the side to see a grinning Nara.

Nara: I'm getting more and moooooree curious~ who is the guy that makes you stare blankly at the screen as if you are staring at your significant other?

Y/N's face turns red and she looks away. Nara laughs at her friends and pats her back.

Nara: come on, tidy up, let's go home~ or... are you going to see your chocolate prince today?

Y/N looks down and blush. It's true, yesterday Tendou asked whether she could come today or not, and Y/N said she can.

Nara could read Y/N like an open book. She smiles seeing how her friend could finally move on and be happy again.

Nara: Y/N...

Y/N looks up at the smiling Nara.

Nara: you should be happy... go on...

Y/N's face flushed and she can't help but think about Tendou.

Nara goes first, leaving Y/N who's still tidying her stuff. She then takes her phone and text Tendou telling him that she's on her way to his shop.

Y/N thinks about what Tendou said on their date, how he wants her to fall for him. The thing is, Y/N knew that he doesn't even need to try, he has been stuck in her mind, it only means one thing.

As Y/N walks out of the office, she heads to the bus stop.

Sogo: Y/N?

Y/N looks up to see Sogo waiting for the bus to his apartment. They're practically waiting for the same bus.

Y/N smiles at Sogo and greets him.

Y/N: good evening Hirano san...

Sogo flinches as he sees Y/N doesn't seem fazed at all in front of him.

Sogo: you... are you going to the place from before?

Y/N: yes...

Sogo: um what place it is?

Y/N: ah, it's a dessert shop, they have so many tasty chocolate flavored desserts ~

Sogo stares at Y/N as she happily tells him about the store. How Sogo misses looking at her gentle smile.

Sogo feels bad after what he did to Y/N, cheating behind her back and broke up with her for another girl.

But right after they broke up and Y/N starts avoiding him, his heart hurt knowing how much he made her sad. But, what hurts him even more is, how Y/N doesn't avoid him anymore.

She acted as if nothing happens between the two, as if she has already moved on, and that bothers him for a reason.

Y/N: ah... I'm here... good night Hirano san, be careful...

Y/N smiles at Sogo, making his heart flutter. As he watches Y/N walks out of the bus and turns her back on him, his legs move on their own as he starts chasing after her.

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