Ch.7 Wedding Cake (Final Chapter)

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■Tendou's POV■

I was focused on something when one of my workers calls me from the other room.

Worker1: Tendou san, we're done here... do you need help?

I look at something that I've just created in front of me. I feel proud and nervous for a reason.

Tendou: nope~ this one over here needs to be done by me...

My workers are coming to the kitchen and stand next to me.

Worker1: dang, Tendou san... you should consider putting this on the menu

Worker2: like the prettiest that you ever made...

Worker3: L/N san will definitely like it!

I hope she does...

I pack the cake that I just made for Y/N before deciding to head out. I look back and see as my workers are all smiling at me.


I'm pulling my phone and read the chat that just came.

Sender: Y/N
Recipient: Satori

Satori san, you're coming? I made us dinner and I bought Ice cream on my way home earlier.

How my chest becomes warm only from reading a mere text from her. Y/N and I have been dating for a year and a half. I'm currently heading to her place right now. I often eat dinner at her place, or sometimes she comes to my shop and we eat together.

I arrived at her apartment and press the bell, enjoying the sound of her footsteps as she makes a small run to the door.

The sound of the door unlocked opened, showing my pretty Y/N.

Seeing her like this is amusing...

Y/N: Satori san, I already give you the pass lock a year ago... you could've just walked inside...

Seeing her face pouting a little though I know she's not mad making me happy.

Tendou: I just like to see you greets me in the doorway...

I smile at her, making her cheeks turns red a little. She's still easily turning red though we've been together for more than a year by now.

How adorable...

I want to see her all the time...

And keeping this adorable girl close to me...

■Y/N's POV■

I'm so happy as I watch Satori san enjoying the food that I made for him. Having him with me, eating my cooking as we eat dinner together, and listen to him complimenting me, I really like it.

Tendou: thanks for the meal, I love the soup Y/N~

Satori san puts her cutleries down and then looks up at me.

Tendou: oh and I love you more of course...

He could always make such cute remarks. He could make my heart race any moment without warning.

Y/N: glad you like it Satori san... here let me take that...

I bring the dirty plates to the sink and wash them. After drying my hand and about turning around to walk to the living room, I was met with Satori san's chest instead as he stands in front of me.

Y/N: Satori san, you're startling me

Tendou: ehehe, I'm sorry... well, Y/N I have something for you... could you close your eyes?

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