Chapter 11 (Snow)

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David and I walk to our bedroom in silence, needing somewhere to talk privately, no one needs to hear this conversation.

What have we done?

The question keeps swirling round my mind, we could have just kept a watchful eye, if only I had time to tell David, we could have stopped the capture. But I didn't and Arthur was imprisoned and William announced he was homosexual.

Despite what I said in their I don't hate him. It was just the fact the guards were their and I had to act like that. I don't mind him wanting to be with Arthur, it doesn't change how much I love him but it's against the law. We can't have them dating because it will look bad for the kingdom and only make things worse. It would make the divide bigger. Either way, whatever we do the divide gets bigger and theirs nothing we can do to stop it. We've just got to remain strong and keep hope in our hearts and despite what my husband said in there I know he also doesn't mind William being homosexual. He's just afraid of losing him, like we did Emma, he doesn't want to lose another child. I don't either. Losing 2 is more than enough.

"David," I begin, watching him shut the door and follow me out to the balcony. "What have we done?" I ask him, voicing that question in my mind.

"I don't know Snow, I don't know," My husband admits honestly, looking down at the ground and letting out a breath.

"Just before we went in there I knew we shouldn't, I was about to tell you that," I sigh, biting my lip and shaking my head. "But it was to late," at that moment I can feel tears entering my eyes, our son hates us, he doesn't realise we were putting on a show and now we could lose him. Please god don't let us lose him. Haven't we been through enough already?

"And whatever we do now we're going to lose him," David says, looking out at the horizon, to the direction where the sea lies. He's got that look in his eyes again, that look when he's thinking about the past, about Emma. "Like we did her and I fear it's going to be our fault. I don't care about the stupid throne anymore, I just want my children back," he confesses, making me nod my head. Honestly, that's what I want to, but this family isn't the best at communicating. Things always seem to be miss translated.

"I don't care about William liking boys, it's the fact the kingdom will. If anything, I love him more for it, our boy is discovering who he is," I half whisper, still trying to hold back tears.

"Me either Snow. I just want to protect our family. Their are so many people out their willing to kill us we have to do whatever it takes to protect our children, even if it means breaking their hearts. We can't trust anyone,"

This is exactly what we did to Emma. Killed her love, and now we're about to kill Williams. Are we really going to let history repeat itself? No. I can't do this. I can't watch stand by and let my son turn dark. To watch his heart shatter, to watch his life crumble before my eyes. No I can't do it and I certainly can't be the reason for another persons pain. That would be 3. Regina, Emma and now William. No, I can't do it. I can't break my sons heart. I can't let his love die at ours hands. I can't let anyone else die at ours hands. Our hands are already covered in blood, do we really need to cover them in any more?


I can't do this.
I will not do this.

"David I can't, I won't," I argue, stepping back from him. "We're hero's and hero's always find a third way," taking another step back I shake my head vigorously, blinking back the more tears that welcome themselves into my eyes.

"What if there is no third way?" He asks, his voice quiet has he hangs his head so he's looking at the ground. After a few silent seconds in which I gulp down the lump of nervousness in my throat, he looks back up, directly into my eyes. "What if we aren't hero's?" He asks, raising the question I've been battling with ever since we rid Emma of the darkness, banishing that over baby to another realm. The question I've been especially thinking about over the last year.

"I-" I sigh but for the first time I have no response. I have no response because I know he's right. We aren't hero's because hero's always find a third way but we haven't. We found no third way with ridding Emma of her darkness (only making things worse in the long run), we found no third way with Killian and I fear we can find no third way with this.

Please, let there be a third way, all I want to do is protect my children. We aren't trying to be bad, to ruin people's lives, we're trying to protect our children and ensure their happiness. But it never seems to work out that way for us. I used to think we're hero's, now... now I'm not so sure.

"We have done so much wrong Snow, even if we didn't mean to, we did it. We destroyed that baby's life, and Emma's, not to mention her child's. A child that has been brought into this world without their father, and everyday I think about that. I wake up and I know that we deserve this. We deserve not knowing our grandchild because we haven't doomed it to a life of hell where it could have had a big family, we've brought it only it's mother. Do we really still deserve that title hero? No. Because we're not. We've done to much wrong to be hero's but now we ponder on that all we like, cry about it, shout about it. However that doesn't change the fact we're still parents, we're still rulers, and we have to protect the people we love. At any cost," his eyes fill with tears which begin to slowly fall by the time he finishes this. He's right, not just about this but about our son. We have to protect him, even if that means shattering his heart.

"We have to do this," I realise with sadness as tears fill my eyes.

"To protect our children"

But what if we just end up losing him to? No, I can't think about that. I just have to do what's right for him, his safety. Maybe that way we can earn back the title of hero. Or maybe we can't. Maybe we've just done to much wrong...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :) I originally was going to have them disapproving of Arthur and William but I think it's more realistic this way. They both believe in true love and they just want that for their children. They want the best for their kids, they don't care about anything else. In this chapter you got to see that and I hope you gained SOME sympathy for them. Because honestly in this story I still hate them for killing Killian.

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