Chapter 23 (Snow)

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There are no words.

No words to describe the moment Emma brings her daughter out for us to see. Least for us to see than make us feel even more guilty but still, there are no words.

The pink bundle of blankets rests in Emma's arms, calming against to familiarity of her mothers skin. And the way Emma looks at her, it's a look I haven't see in a long time, since Killian; a sparkle in her eyes and the way her lips have moulded into a smile. A look of true happiness I haven't seen since before Killian was killed, since she no longer had to marry Edward, since she got engaged. (I wasn't there for that but I can only imagine. David said she looked really happy and he hated destroying that. Now he hates himself for it and curses himself everyday for the decision we made)

"Hey, shh baby. Shh darling," her voice is a quiet whisper, so I can barely hear her. "Shh, it's alright, everything's going to be alright, mummy just needs to deal with these pesky flies," the way she uses 'flies' and not people stabs me in the chest.

I'm the reason for all of this. It's all my fault.

"That's our granddaughter," I more state than question, "What's her name?" I ask carefully as not to be aggressive.

"Why?" The changed person infront of me says, "Please tell me why should I? After all you've done to us? After all you did was disrespect us and kill the man I love, her father," she looks down at the babe, failing to hide her tears from us, "I loved him and you took him away from him, from her. You've doomed her to a life without her father, she'll never know him, and that's a fate no child deserves," Again she looks up at us, keeping her daughter close. "So you'll never even touch this child for as long as she lives, you won't take another person away from me. You have caused to many people to much pain for far to long and this is where it stops,"

"Emma it was a mistake," David argues, trying to get closer to the baby but Emma steps away, "If we knew you where pregnant we would have-"

"A MISTAKE?" Emma shouts, anger exploding causing the baby to cry again. "Shh babe," my daughter murmurs, rocking her gently, "It wasn't a mistake, how dare you call it that," she shout whispers at us, placing a gentle kiss on her babes head, "And even if you knew, you still would have killed him. Nothing would have changed it would have just made you even worse people. You just had to kill him, didn't you? You just couldn't let it go, and you weren't even acting out of anger, it was out of guilt," and the way she says it, it just hits me.

"You know," David sighs, voicing my thoughts. "How?" His voice just sounds so regretful and so upset, there's no other way to describe it that to just straight out point it out.

"You think I'm dumb, father?" Emma remarks, her voice feigning shock. "How could I not? Do you really think after all that's happened I would find out? You thought you could hide it from me forever?"

Honestly I don't know what we thought. Of course it crossed our minds, many times, would we tell what happened? If things had been different we might have and if we had told her then I bet a hundred times over we wouldn't be in this situation now. But the question is how can she be on hooks side on this if she really knows? Did she find out the wrong thing?

"I don't know," David sighs, "I really don't know,"

"You really thought Killian wouldn't tell me? Well let me tell you he did," she laughs dryly, looking out of the window her eyes slightly clouding over. "He told me everything, from my twin to his kidnapping, to the fact you never bothered to find him,"

"That's not true!" I interrupt, needing her to know we really did try. "We tried but he was gone, it was to late, he died somewhere alone," I look down at the floor, placing my hand on my belly. Oh my James.

"Dead?" Emma laughs, bringing me back to the present. With a cocked eyebrow and her smile I snap my head up at her, "Is that what you think?" And as she finishes her sentence a man emerges from the shadows, also dressed in leather.

His brown hair, his eyes, the way he looks like Emma but also a spitting image of David. One look and I know who it is without an explanation. The person I thought was dead for 22 years.


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