Chapter 30 (Snow)

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"I just really hope we're right in trusting him," David sighs, walking alongside me as we journey further away from the castle.

"Yeah me to," I agree, I really want to trust George. He seems like he's really sorry and he's really telling the truth but I really hope he won't betray us.

The reason we're out here is quite simple really. David and I have arranged to meet blue far away from the castle, in the peace and quiet of the woods where we can't be over heard.

Reasoning with our daughter didn't work, not like it was going to in the first place, that was just my pathetic false hope telling me it would work. We can't just leave it, I want my daughter back before she carry's out whatever she's planning. I don't know what she's planning but as time goes on, I'm given more and more clues that she's planning something big. I don't intend on stopping her however.

I intend to help her.

"Good, you're here, I was wondering when you'd come," blue flies towards us, wearing a smile on her face which quickly falls into a dead serious expression. "I sense sadness and fear, things didn't go well?" She questions, not looking shocked, just disappointed.

"No," David sighs again, "But we did find out she's joined forces with James," he tells her, making her screw her eyes shut tightly and her face crumpled into a look of fear.

"No," she murmurs, "That cannot be, are you sure?" She asks, completely confusing me. She doesn't look shocked he's alive, just scared. I've never seen her scared.

"Yes, we're sure," I nod my head, looking from my husband, who's face reflects my feelings, then back at blue. "Why?" I ask, though there is one thing I know. Whatever the awnser I know it can't be good.

"If James is alive," she begins, taking a deep breath and opening her eyes, "He's going to want revenge. And both him and Emma are powerful, the most most powerful witches and wizards to have lived. The prophecy's- the one about Emma being either a great hero or a great villain. If she was the hero, James was the villain she was to defeat. If she was the villain (which she is) she is to join forces with him and together the will unleash untold hell into the land,"

No, my James, always destined to be a villain. At least in one path Emma could have been a hero.

"Why didn't you tell us this Blue?" David asks, his voice breaking.

We may not be able to save James but we can save Emma and once we saved Emma we will be able to save James. I'm sure of it.

"I had my reasons, but that's not important now. You must travel to Oz, you must get that information needed to defeat Emma. Even if it means you can't save her, you must put the land, the kingdom, first," Blue says, voicing exactly what my minds been telling me but I know I can't do. I know I'll never do.

You must out the land, the kingdom, first.

But I can't because family, the people that you love comes above all else, that's what my parents always taught me and I stand by that.

"Blue, if we have a choice between the kingdom and Emma, Emma comes first," David says, making me nod at him. To my surprise however Blue doesn't say anything against this. All she does is look down at the ground and sighs.

"Whether you save or defeat her or not isn't important anymore," Blue tells us, looking around, "Travel to the docks and there you will find Blackbeard. He has the wishing star, although he won't willingly give it to you, there will be a price. Money most likely. But once you've got it wish to go to Oz, but you must believe your true of heart, otherwise it will not work. Then meet with the witches, Zelena the witch of the West. Glinda the witch of the south, Elphaba the witch of the east and Evanora the witch of the north. I've told you before and I'll tell you again, together combined they're extremely powerful. They will know how to defeat Emma," she tells us, looking directly in my eyes. "Please Snow, you must do this please," she begs, flying slowly away, "I know you'll make the right choice," she tells us as she flies away.

"We need to go Snow, they'll know how to save our daughter," David tells me and I can only nod my head.

Oh boy I hope he's right because I'm done being apart from my daughter. I'm done being the villain. Im done with making the wrong decisions constantly. I'm done with all of this.

Poor David and Snow all they want is there daughter back.

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