Chapter 1 (William)

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"My lord," a guard comes into the battle planning room bowing to mother and father. "We found the last patrol, or a survivor at least," he informs us, making me both confused and suspicious.

A survivor? That's messy. Emma wouldn't leave a survivor.

"What?" Father questions, "A survivor?" exchanging looks with mother, in which both of them look incredibly hopeful, he speaks again. "Bring him in,"

"Of course my lord," the guard bows again, quickly exiting the room, leaving me, Neal, mother, father, blue, Prince Edward (that idiot Emma was going to marry), and (nearly Princess) Freya (his lover who he told to his parents soon after Emma turned evil. It took some time but she was excepted and now their engaged to be married. Then there's also Queen Abigail and King Fredrick along with some high up guards.

"Brother," I whisper, so only he can hear. By the expression on his face he's thinking the same thing as me. "This has to be a trap, Emma leaving a survivor? That's never happened,"

"I quite agree," He nods, also speaking so quietly only I can hear. I don't reply however because the door opens again.

"My lord," a knight comes in, of whom I recognise as Sir Henry, bows to my parents and takes the seat that is drawn for him.

"Sir Henry," mother smiles, nodding at my father who nods back at her. They seem to be able to communicate with each other with just looks and nods and being honest, it's a bit confusing.

"Why did you survive?" Father asks, getting straight into it, "Why are you the only one to? How did you survive? Is Emma going soft? What's happened to the missing guards? What did your patrol find?" He fires the questions all at once, obviously hopeful when he asked if Emma was going soft.

I hate to admit it but Emma seems hell bent on getting her revenge, I don't think she will be giving up or going soft any time soon.

"Well the trail we were following of the previous patrol was heading north west through the Forrest and out of nowhere Sir Cameron just collapsed. When we got off our horses to check if he was okay Sir Trevor collapsed to, and then we all drew our swords but immediately were disarmed. And then from behind the bushes a figure appeared. She was dressed in black leather, white hair tied back into a bun," Sir Henry begins, frowning when he mentions the knights collapsing. When he says 'She' I don't need him to explain who 'she' is, it's pretty obvious. "And then she appeared infront of us, grinning and plunged her hand into a chest, ripping out the heart and crushing it. 'Miss me?' She asked as she scattered the ashes. Then knights ran away and as she attended to the, I hid under the bodies expecting her to kill them. But she didn't, in a puff of smoke they disappeared and she came back over to me, using her magic to double the bodies there. And then she placed a note in my hand," he trails off with a shudder before focusing again, "Her hand was so cold, it made me shiver and then her voice so low and so... different. She then whispered, 'You can give this to my parents' and disappeared in a puff of smoke,"

Sir Henry's story leaves me confused, if Emma knew he was alive then why didn't she kill him or take him with her? And where is this note? Why wasn't it mentioned before?

"A note?" Father questions, exchanging looks with mother again, "What note? Can we see it?"

"Of course," Henry nods his head, taking a piece of small parchment out from his pocket. Again somethings wrong here, why wouldn't he give this note straight away?

"Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?" Mother asks, voicing my own questions. "Why wait until we called you in?"

"Because it's useless," Henry awnsers, making me even more confused. "It's just an empty piece of parchment,"

"What?" Mother asks, snatching it from father and opening it. Her face immediately falls however and she looks back up, "No it isn't, this is writing, Emma's writing," at this Henry looks incredibly confused and I can tell he's not faking.

"What?" He gasps, "But I didn't see anything,"

"Nor I," Father awnsers, "There's nothing on here Snow," he tries to snatch the parchment back but fails because mother steps away, head buried in whatever the note says.

"Mother are you okay?" Neal asks standing up from his seat and walking towards her. Mothers suddenly gone white, her hands shaking violently and tears appearing in her eyes.

"Snow what is it?" Father asks, putting his hand on her shoulder in an attempt for comfort but instead she pulls away and looks straight up at him, directly into his eyes allowing a tear to slide down her cheek.

"We failed, David, we failed,"

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