Chapter 18 (David)

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First and only chapter you'll get from David's POV. Later on there is also one from Neals POV, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Enjoy :)

We go quite quickly, the horses galloping at a relatively fast speed, both desperate to get to our daughter. I am really hoping we can turn her good again without having to do anything else. At the moment my greatest fear is having to loose her if we can't stop her. Or worse having to take action against her. I really don't want to be put in a position where I have to hurt her. I love my daughter no matter what and I am deeply sorry for the wrong I have committed.

God why have I been so stupid? I've hurt all my children. I am murderer, something I thought would be impossible for me to be. Apparently not. I am not some hero like I thought I was, I'm not brave or strong. I'm weak and scared.

I'm scared of losing Emma, Neal, William and even my own wife. It's hard to believe once everyone believed we were hero's. That we were hero's.

If anything, we're the villains. Emma's right. I just want to make it up to my children. I just what to go back in time to when I captured Hook and never capture him. If I could go back instead of rushing in to capture him, I'd rush in to tell them they don't have to run. They can be together, here.

But he's a dead man now and Emma's dark. Nothing is ever going to be the same again but all I want is for this all to be a dream. To wake up and realise I still have a chance at making my daughter happy. Before I break her heart.

But it's to late

"Snow it's getting dark, it will be hard to see soon," I say, in a futile attempt to get her to speak to me. Usually she won't stop talking, telling me about her many adventures in the woods or about how much she loves her family and the kingdom and even about e nature here. Now all I'm left with is the unending,
unnerving, unsettling eternal silence of doom.

I miss my wife. I miss her jokes, her smile, her happiness and god that all seems all life time away. Last time I saw her smile, properly smile, was after Emma was stabbed and she recovered. Snow was so happy and relieved, crying even (As was I of course) not letting our daughter out of her sight for even a moment. I didn't blame her, at one point during her recovery no one thought she would make it (when she was first brung back to the castle it really didn't look good for her. Even though when Snow got home (she left early when a letter was sent of how bad Emma's injury was) it was looking better, Snow was still so worried) Emma was never told he had things really were for that injury, I'm not quite sure why, but if she did, if she knew how deathly worried her mother was would things be different now?

Probably not.

"Snow," I sigh, a hint of agitation taking on my tone. Stopping the horse infront of my wife so she can't avoid this, I look I her in the eye pleadingly. "When are you going to start talking to me?" I ask, a few tears welling up in my eyes which I quickly wipe away. "I know you're angry at me, I am to. I cannot forgive myself, I never will now, knowing what I've done. I've destroyed our children's lives! I am so damm angry at myself it scares me, I'm scared of what I might do and the last thing I need is you ignoring me! I'm sorry! I really am! This is all my fault, I've been a terrible king, a terrible father but amongst all that, a terrible husband. I've betrayed you in ways I know you can't forgive me for, and being honest, I don't want you to," when I stop talking tears are streaming down my face. I know what I'm saying about needing her is idiotic and stupid and arrogant but it's all true. It makes it sounds like she hasn't been there for me but she has, she really has. I just haven't been there for her.

I hate myself.

"You really think this is what this is about? That I'm angry with you?" Snow asks shaking her head vigorously, "David I know how much you regret what you did, I know you've changed, I know what we did haunts you everyday, it does with me as well. But my anger isn't at you, it's at myself. I should have been there for my children when they needed me and I wasn't and now there is no telling what will happen. David, I forgive you, you need to know that," When she finishes we are both crying so we jump of our horses, leaning into each other embrace for comfort.

"You're not the only one who hasn't been there for the people they love," I say after a moment of silence, not saying anything else we stay like that for a bit, hugging, until it really begins to get dark. "Now, lets go and set up camp, and then we'll get our daughter back,"

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