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"i'd like to say, once again, that i am truly sorry." hoseok spoke, his voice as clear as day, a sound that was comforting to both of the shorter men that sat next to him.

"it's okay." jimin repeated, having forgiven the elder multiple times within the span of thirty minutes. he fumbled with his mug, unable to look either of the men in the eyes. it was overwhelming to jimin, the entire situation, but he was sure he wasn't the only one feeling this way.

yoongi was sweating like a sinner and church, already having his anxiety at an all time high, and it was only growing by the second.

hoseok felt horrible. the guilt had attacked his stomach with no remorse, and hoseok felt that at any moment he might lurch all over the cafe table. he wasn't sure how he had got the entire situation so wrong.

yoongi knew he had to admit to hoseok his mental complications at some point, and he knew it would be easiest with jimin there as well, but he just couldn't bring himself to speak.

they were all silent, the noises of the small cafe becoming the conversation between the three.

"i-" yoongi started to speak at the same moment as hoseok. they looked at eachother and yoongi blushed.

hoseok had always been the more submissive one in the relationship, but yoongi felt ultimately encapsulated by the ascendancy of his better half.

"go ahead." yoongi whispered, unable to remove his eyes from the man sitting next to him.

Lord, he loved him. yoongi loved hoseok as the ocean loved the shore. yoongi relied on hoseok as the trees relied on the sun. he knew that his mental trivialities were so minor to what he would feel if he were to lose hoseok. his love. his light.

"i just wanted to say, thank you for looking after him, jimin." hoseok spoke, his eyes leaving his boyfriend's far easier than the latter.

jimin refrained from looking up, almost afraid of what he would see if he were to, but was able to mumble a small, "you're welcome."

it was silent again, but this time it was a still silence. it was if the world had stopped turning and they were stuck in time.

yoongi, hoseok, and jimin.
they were timeless.

"hoseok, i think i have ocd or something." yoongi blurted out, his words all forming one singular word, as though he was afraid of the silence that came within the breaths he took.

this was the first time jimin's eyes were able to look up from his now room temperature coffee to see the two men. jimin tried to calculate every movement in hoseok's face and eyes, trying to see what he could possibly be thinking about such a huge proclamation.

hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, "i thought so too." he mumbled out, as though he wasn't trying to state it to the others, but to himself.

jimin could see in yoongi's eyes that he was terrified, not of hoseok, but of what he would do when given hoseok's answer.

"that's why i have such a difficult time changing things up." he put his hand over hoseok's, "i try love bug, i really do, but do you remember all those times i had to lock myself in my office and you were on the other side begging me to come out?" yoongi continued.

jimin sighed. at least he wasn't the only one who had to go through that.

hoseok nodded, looking empathetically into his boyfriend's eyes.

God, he loved him. hoseok loved yoongi like a hurricane. they were unstoppable.

"that's what i do when i try." yoongi finished. his emotionless eyes holding something that hoseok could only describe as want.

hoseok nodded, taking his boyfriend in his arm to form a soft and needed embrace.

jimin was happy for them,

yet he wished that he could be in-between them.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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