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jimin was sat in the bathroom of yoongi and hoseok's apartment.

yoongi had left early that morning to go to work, so when jimin woke up, he was alone.

he truly had nothing else to do, so he spent his day lounging around the homey place. everywhere around was pretty much a mess, but jimin just knew that hoseok was one of those people who's houses are messy, but they knew exactly where everything is.

jimin was thankful he chose to stay within the apartment, for he found some truly beautiful items lying around.

jimin, while searching through a jewelry box atop the dresser in the boyfriend's room, found a wide array of notes sent from hoseok to yoongi. they were overwhelmingly sweet and enraptured true love more than anything else jimin had ever seen. one read,


your fingers are hot to the touch. you set me on fire with a single glance, yet i can't seem to escape your burning gaze. you entrap me with your voice alone, for once i have accustomed to the red-hot flames in your tone, i can't help but want to stay. i burn with you, but i don't regret it. not for a single second will i ever regret it, for i will stay ignited for the rest of my lifetime in the glory of your glowing inferno and within this conflagration is the only place i will ever be happy.

forever surrounded by your warming glow,

jimin was conflicted within reading the message, but ultimately came to the conclusion that the two men were truly soulmates.

after jimin's wild escapades throughout the apartment, he happened upon the bathroom.

he hadn't dared to step inside after yoongi told him that he was to have an anxiety attack in the shower. jimin didn't truly understand anxiety attacks, for he had never had one, so he definitely didn't want to get involved with yoongi's.

but of course, after the storm was over, jimin decided to look at the damage. when jimin stepped into the small bathroom, it was obvious something had gone down. don't get it mixed up, the rest of the house was messy, but this didn't even compare.

there were handprints splattered all over the mirror, the shower curtain had halfway fallen over, towels were scattered all across the floor, some still wet, and there was a huge hole in the wall.

jimin slowly walked forward to examine the afore mentioned hole. it looked as though someone had punched it in, and jimin surely could guess whom it was.

jimin sighed. yoongi truly had a mental health problem, and while jimin wasn't a psychiatrist, he was sure he could help in other ways.

jimin spent the remainder of his day picking up the towels off the floor, windexing the mirror, fixing the shower curtain, organizing the soaps, and plastering up the hole in the wall. he couldn't find any paint to paint over the plaster, but he was sure that later on he could convince yoongi to find the original paint used.

jimin looked at his work and smiled. step by little step he would somehow help this man and his sunny boyfriend, and then suddenly jimin understood what hoseok wrote.

"forever surrounded by your warming glow,


(and jimin)"

times two; yoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now