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yoongi sat as his desk, typing up a graph for the accounting firm he was currently employed at. "fuck," he mumbles as he massages his knuckles, clearly bruised by the horrible punch he had thrown at his own wall the night before.

yoongi knew that it was an absolutely terrible idea to punch the wall, but he did it anyways. he always had a hard time changing things up as a child, for example, every time he moved from one grade to the next, he absolutely freaked out. when yoongi was diagnosed with a phobia, everything suddenly made sense. he understood why, why he couldn't seem to breathe and his heart stopped when any of his mother's recipes changed, why he couldn't help but cry when he took the backroads instead of his usual transport to his office job, and why he resorted to violence and screaming in order to cope with the sudden change in his beautiful relationship.

he knew it was probably his fault for this change, but he couldn't help but think that hoseok should have understood. hoseok should have known that yoongi hated change, but instead he got defensive.

yoongi holds his head in his hands, mentally beating himself up for even thinking something like that about his beloved. out of the corner of his ear, he hears, "dude?"

yoongi looks up to see his closest coworker, kim namjoon, with a concerned look on his face. "you good?" he asks.

yoongi was never one to talk about his feelings, which he supposes that's why therapy never worked. "yeah, i'm okay." yoongi answers with a straight face.

namjoon raises his eyebrows, not being fooled by the smaller boy's persona for even a second. "did you get in a fight?" he asks, pointing at yoongi's obviously damaged hands.

yoongi chuckles silently, "if you count fighting inanimate objects as a fight, then yes. i did."

namjoon chuckles, trying to keep quiet as to not disturb any of the neighboring coworkers. namjoon was always yoongi's closest friend at his place of employment. the two men got on perfectly, for they had the same interest. music was equally important to both the boys, and they even shared beats they had made with one another.

"how's hoseok?" namjoon asks quietly, turning his attention back on his computer so a supervisor wouldn't become suspicious.

yoongi shrugs, "eh." he knew he wasn't telling the truth, but how was he supposed to tell his friend that his boyfriend was angry at him because he had a deeply rooted phobia that stemmed from childhood trauma?

"eh?" namjoon questions, "you can't be serious."

yoongi turns to the younger, who's wearing a shit-eating grin, the one that made yoongi's blood boil. "what do you mean?"

namjoon scoffs, "it's pretty obvious that something is going on, yoongi. everyone can tell."

yoongi rolls his eyes at that. surely not everyone can tell. he did a pretty good job at hiding his emotions and for namjoon to question him was quite rude.

"nothing is going on." yoongi stayed simply, praying that the conversation would soon be over.

"did you get in a fight? did he realize he was straight? does he hate dogs? did he get fired? did he fall for another guy? did he say he hates your stupid haircut? did he-" namjoon is cut off by yoongi's cold stare.

"my haircut isn't stupid!"


a/n: heya! so um i posted two new books and i'd love if you guys checked them out! one is called chipper in which yoongi turns into a girl after his birthday. it's yoonseok, and a book called unconditionally which is yoonkook. unconditionally is written in the kind of same fashion as this book so feel free to check them out :)) thank!

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